Location: New Holland

I’ve put myself into a great challenge today… For a new friend in Rust, I decided to use the Locations challenge and make his birth location a new map… Little did i knew what country he was originate from… damn, the worst of them… Netherlands… Yeap… the flattest country on the planet… and under the sea level for most of it.

So instead of making it the boring place it is actually – as stated by that friend – we use the Rust scenario to make it better… here it goes with the storyline:

The Post-Hapis incidents of the 1980s brought us nuclear fallout preventing any repopulation of the region.

In recent years, the bandits regained control of some islands, and one of them bears a strange resemblance to a European country, the Netherlands, which has earned it the nickname of New Holland.

Some bandits of dutch origin have decided to take back the Island and give it some semblance of homecoming, with a Rust scent… because too much tulips, if you ask me!

This is post-apocalyptic era of Netherlands. Tourists mutated into survivors, and the locals are now bandits or scientists who wants your life to end.

You love beaches in Netherlands? passing by Noordwijk you can walk thru the Strands and take a sip in our bars.

Same if you are here to look for the windmills… come on, who is not lurking for these ?! So from Kinderdijk to Gelderland, we have some too…

And after the wind, our Holland also exploit Wood and Oil… Lumbermills and Oilrigs are also common in the decor.

And there is way more to discover in New Holland… visit!

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