Location: Arizona Sky

First Vacation target of the world, the Grand Canyon is so popular, the tourism industry locked down certain regions of the place so tourists can not visit anymore… but we are.

You can now visit the Grand Canyon, Arizona, without boundaries, and with a Rust twist… vanilla!

This is the first map of the new « Location » project here on rust.exposed.

It’s quite simple, the original Grand Canyon Map was used to generate the heightmap for Rust, and the original features of Rust were applied one after the other, in the right order to make it look like in real life. So for real, the mountains and steeps are really similar to the real ones… we’re not playing with heightmap just for a contouring, but for the exact stuff you can expect when visiting the location.

That’s our goal on this project, to have locations that look like in real on Earth. It is so, that you can not really locate yourself on the Rust map display… because when you’re in the Grand Canyon, most of the decor is on the plateau, and the stratas are not mapped, even by Google.

Green part of the Colorado river, with steep.

Rust interpretation of the same river…

This map fills 95% of the map space, with no island or any fancy decor… it’s the absolute simplicity of the Grand Canyon… The Colorado River that flows across the map is drinkable.  The only detail we edited was the height of the canyon itself… we have put it to 50 meters instead of the 800 meters of elevation. It would’ve make the game unplayable with the real sizes.

Strange fact: randomly putting the Large Excavator… on the location of the actual Canyon Mine

Though our Excavator is only mining Stones, Metal, Sulfur and HQM, the original Canyon Mine is a danger for the location, mining uranium… Conciously, you can read about the topic on this page: Grand Canyon Uranium Mining (grandcanyontrust.org)

One of the main advantage of this kind of « canyon » map is that clans and groups can build mega big bases on hidden locations… Imagine starting your base at the bottom of the river, and raising it until it fits the elevation of the strata!?


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