We’re back on track for July 1st Wipe…

As you may have noticed if you were a regular here, the site was down for about a month… database problem we did not even notice.

But we’re back now, and in July 2021, we’ll be releasing at least 3 major maps that will be available for download, free of charge. The intention is to have new decors and moods for your own custom servers.

They will be released as a « Tourist Mode » version of custom maps… The names will give you a hint on what you will be able to see on them:

  • Anticosti *(Island where deers reign supreme)
  • Arizona Sky *(Highest steep Canyon)
  • Due South *(South like in Amazonia)

after reconsideration, like « hey, let’s edit this post », I’ll add more maps to this theme:

  • Death Valley *(California, Mojave desert)
  • Black Forest *(large mountain range in south germany)
  • Alaskian Husky *(snow, steep, and wolfey dogs)

Yeap, we’re known to use custom locations for our maps, so this serie will start BIG with various types of locations where every person wants to pass some great vacations… Rustly!

The announcement will be for soon

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