Ah, reproducing the original inspiring picture… my bad… from real life to Rust!
Commonly called the central pearl of the Solomon Islands(*1) where Hapis is located as well, Black Hell island is without a doubt wearing her name like a glove. The shock of the tectonic plates of the region have transformed this island into a rock hell. No place to install any industrial settlement, and no beach or valley to pass our vacations.
This island is the Maui version of the Indian Ocean. High cliffs and steep mountains, narrowed corridors and rock everywhere. This is why Cobalt stopped using that secluded island soon after their arrival. But hey, bandits and pirates stole Cobalt stuff to build their own facilities.
To connect to this server, you can search for » EXPOSED » in the Play Game menu, Modded tab…
if you are far from us, you can use the console with F1 and type » client.connect » … and go! (and re-click F1 to hide the console)… because this is our address.. 🙂
note: Our Asset Warmup and Spawning World are usually twice the time to load from other servers because we have a ton of extra cool features!
And if Elvis Presley was able to make a load of movies on the Hawaiian islands, who can not build bases on them? Oh, and yes, the road used by Elvis on this video is located on the map, somewhere… find it! the girls are not dresses the same, tho…
Actually this map, like all the other maps I build, are more » in real life-like » than the majority of Rust maps, because I make them more like it. trails are not supposed to be all flat and perfect… neither woods and mountains… and cliffs are not supposed to be 100% covered with stupid rocks. And no, scientists are not supposed to be locked on their 2×2 space around them… they can run you up in the woods if you provoque them on the road. And a bandit compound has a river that feed the swamp. real life…
Anyway, this place is not abandonned… Pirates and Bandits are making it very lively. Imagine Hapis without the passage of Cobalt. Beautiful forests and great sunrises across mountains. This is the best place for adventurers to have a great fun running and looting for survival.
Because yes, there are some real survivalists on the island… and what you find in a survivalist backyard?! not one oil barrel, but many… same for loots!
There is not that much roads on the island. Mainly feet-made tracks from the indigenous people. And no big buildings, merely some two stories shacks or roadside-like buildings offered by our lovely bandits. Scientists still crawl the roads and sky in search of rads, and these damn tourists always making a mess by dropping trash on the roadsides.
Ok, it’s not logical to add « arctic » terrain to a place located in the middle of the Indian ocean, but hey, we had the possibility to make a little fun with it. someplace lost in the middle of nowhere. Also, for clans and roamers, this island is the quintescence of challenges. Trenches for troops and harsh mountains for bases with secure locations. What more can you ask for base raids…
And if I tell you that some scientists are hidding facilities in the back of a mountain? At least they tried to install some company resources first, and the bandits took over.
Anyway… you spawn, naked on a beach… oh wait, no !!??? dafuk!
This map does not require a lot of customization to make it perfect for GAMERS… even the blue scientists have better loot without plugins, so why bother with a 5X or 10X when you just have to PVE… But as it’s a bit empty right now, I’ve added some plugins to spice up the pace of the game for the newbies on site.
There is some easter-eggs and challenges that are not puzzles actually.. like tracing the 90x tier3 loot boxes of the map, or find how to climb these great cliffs… because some have ropes, some are rock climbable… yeap this image is a complete vertical cliff you can climb on.
Here are the names of most of the creators of prefabs used on this custom map:
Cobalt, Coini, FireCrow, Grimland, Gruber, LAMBO7000, Nemesis, Nox, Robj, Rustbucketz, Star and Wheatley…
*1: For the game reference only. We were inspired by the island named Nggatokae, in the middle of the Marovo Lagoon inside the Solomon Archipel. Hapis is supposely based on one of its neighbour as well (you will have a guess in the video below). The only technological resource on the island is the Gatokae aerodrome, which I also replicate on the map.
*2: some tourist made a video representing his passage on the Nggatokae island, and it is just amazing… 90% of what you see in the video is found on the map… undersea fauna and flora are similar… so think of it as a proof that Rust is supposed to be located in the vicinity… 🙂
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