Map: Hydroxide Valley

Remember Sillicon Valley, California?! The masterpiece of tech-developments, the ground of Google and Apple… Everything to make things work in the USA.

But hey, we’re not in the USA, we’re somewhere in the middle of the Indian Ocean, in the surroundings of the Salomon Islands.  And after the explosion caused by terrorists in Hapis Island, there was a Tsunami which destroyed most of the little islands around the Cobalt installations.  This is where we’re at.  Hydroxide Valley, like the bandits are proud to call it, is an Island that was the tech-dev center of the Indian Ocean zone.

It is now a desert of abandonned compounds, with destroyed roads and harsh temperatures… In the middle of the island, the old city, surrounded by undiscovered forests… And that’s what our players will face when spawning on the island.  There is no Launch Site here, neither a Train Yard… because it’s not Hapis…

And you’ll discover everything on your own if you connect…

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