Did you notice, on major servers, the usual routine? I checked the routines for most of the Rustafied and Facepunch Official servers for two months, and one all the situations, the routine is close to the same all the time…
So let’s resume on a weekly wipe, even if others are longer… we know the deal:
Wipe day, rush to build mega big bases and kill everyone on sight. Most of what is seemed on the chat is insults from the toxics, and clan calls for locations.
Day 2 *(or 6 hours after the wipe on 5X+ servers), Base Raids and PVP calls on monuments.
Day 3, Clans leave the server when all raids are closed, and they call for donations or simple despawn everything. Raiders are gone, Roamers raise.
Day 4 and 5, Roamers and Runners are literally crawling on the island, looting everything, waiting for bases to decay so they can enter without a boom. They are the masters of the island, because nobody care but them. THAT is survivalism.
Day 6, Blueprints trivia… as soon as the next day wipe is announced, clan leaders are coming back to grab everything they lack in their BP and they make deals with roamers/runners to have these useful resources for next wipe. That’s where our Roamers and Runners make their stand and show their power over the clans. Without them, there is no Easy-BP.
Last day before wipe, Roamers and Runners are searching for clans or create their own groups before the raid. They also end the exchanges of resources and sell their BP to higher prices. Clan leaders recruit for next wipe, but they only have roamers to talk with, because 90% of clans are off until tomorrow morning, remember!
Wipe Day again… scroll back to top, thanks!
Who’s the biggest winner for this wipe? again, roamers and runners. Clans are only here for a moment, making it big and show off their superiority. Toxics have no voice after the fights… their usual sentences are « give me your coordonates » and « wait for the wipe, I will show you« …
There are a load of Content Creators posting their videos of Roamers, because they got there at least once in their career…
Views: 42