Roamers and Runners?

Some Definitions:

  • Roamers are most of the time Solo PVPers that work for clans on raids or revenges.  They control their territory, and usually are great fighters. Their vision of survivalism is more like « King of the Hill ».
  • Runners on the other side are guys that run thru the maps, looting everything and stealing resources for their personal profit… usually selling their stuff in safe-zones.  They do not focus on killing, they are playing survivalism in term of controling the elements and not by killing humans.  And they usually not wearing kits… take care to respect them as well, because they can become your best ally in the dark.

We usually see the roamers raise on vengeance period when someone post on the chat something like « I’ve been raided for no f*ckin’ reason »… they just rush to help that poor raided guy apply vengeance on.

Runners are usually active all the time, because they are not focussing on PVP so they run in forests while the clans fight in the deserts and valleys. Some runners are even playing spy, so when they find a secret base, they sell that information on other clans.

It’s not because you’re not part of a clan that you’re useless in Rust. Lucky Luke was a roamer, so see it that way.

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