Some Custom Works of Art

Not even open yet, and we received some requests for maps customization…  You can read the « How to Customize Official Monuments? » post about customizing existing monuments… This post is for adding more elements.

Server Admins usually ask me to show them videos of my work.  But I’m crap at video editing, so I do not do videos.  In the near future, I may search for someone who do good videos!

What I can show though, is screenshots of the results from existing servers.  So here are some screenies that shows how I work with custom prefabs and monuments.

There are some great « Work in Progress » that can be used to start a Cosplay or give the beat for the decoration of a map… following these, here is an example where people can build their own bases in that wood-based style. That Giant Windmill can be connected to power! *(3 custom monuments)

Pirates are often confused with Bandits… but they can have their own compound, and bring some challenge to the players. Add a NPC plugin and you populate this place with fierce Murderers for the mood. *(7 custom monuments)

And why not add a Mafia compound, where a clan is established to control the market on the map, and who nobody can avoid because they own the only working garage and supermarket on the island? Everything is buildable, so imagine the possibilities! *(3 custom monuments)

Still used by random bandits and solo players, this location is made of different city-buildings that were left abandonned after the explosion… But power is still running, so a garage and a facility are working and all the buildings are buildable. *(12 custom monuments + option for 17 halloween prefabs)

If you’re not focussed, you may miss these sub-hidden locations that I usually put on maps for the fun of them. These are Forgotten Secret Facilities with puzzles and tier3 loots. *(2 custom monuments)

This roadside location is very populated without you noticing it.. Because it has more than 2km of tunnels under it, with all Tier loots and 5 puzzles… *(3 custom monuments + 5 prefabs)


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