Inland Offshore Cargo Ship

What?  yeap!

We can do about anything with Rust elements… Even make the Cargo Ship road inland on a river or a fjord.

And what a sight, isn’t it?

This is as easy as building new roads, because it’s a road, actually.  The Cargo Ship can go wherever the map maker want it to go.

This may add some challenge to the players, because now, there is no need to have an heli or a boat to go raiding.  But… that also mean that more players will raid it. More pvp, more fights.  And if you add plugins like Infinite Cargo, you can have a cargo spawning each time the one is ending his path.

You can even put the cargo in a fixed location on land, and make it a Ghost Ship that appear and vanish from time to time… Like in the Bermuda Triangle…

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