An extension of the AliDropship plugin to add « item specifics » from AliExpress’ to WooCommerce Attribute Variations. Will only work with new entries from AliExpress – or – when you switch your products to « Import List » and « Publish » them again.
The situation: when using AliDropship, the plugin that gives you access to AliExpress, each product you import on your WooCommerce will be added with all the « item specifics » details ported into « attributes ». This is convenient to display the attributed in the « Additional Informations » block in WooCommerce, but that’s all… That information can not be used to filter the products, and is not useful to generate widgets.

With my plugin, You will now have this choice. The plugin instantly generate « Attribute Variations » for any « item specifics » from AliExpress or your own default « non variable attributes », and gives you a load of flexibility on your site.

The default is not enough. We need all the possible choices for each client that can have custom needs. Even on AliExpress we can see the Variations of any product on the left sidebar.

So how can we do that? Because for now, if we want this kind of sidebar, we have to start over with each product, clicking thousands of buttons just to add these elements in a sidebar, and they will change each time you edit a product.
Simple: install this plugin.

Then as indicated, you can start importing new products that will automatically be parsed to add the proper Variations, or you can update your actual products by Editing them in the Products List and putting them in the « Import List », save, and « Publish » them back… see the result on the variations page:

The process is safe, and works only when you Import your products from AliDropship. It can be edited to do the same with any database of products, but the original goal is to provide flexibility to the AliDropship plugin.
The result of this plugin is that you now can select any variation of product, and create widgets or filters inside your site to display the data you want. Some themes like Woodmart are even providing extra fields to add icons, info, popups or more flexible displays of products.. like « Brands Page », or « Size Charts »

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