WIP: Feedback after delivery, WooCommerce plugin

There are many-many plugins that helps enhance the Review System on WooCommerce… but none right now that do what eBay and Amazon focus on the most for their affiliates and sellers…

After Sale and Delivery Feedback from buyers.

When a seller wants to see his reputation raise on eBay, he have to wait until the client receive the goods and « Leave/Give Feedback » on the service offered during the process… The buyer is invited to rate the service, the delay of delivery, and the global experience. Not the product itself, which is handled by the Reviews…

That system on eBay is the major point on being on top of the search engine or having a real experience with solid sellers. We can tell that if a seller has lower than 95% of positive feedback, his efforts to sell his goods will be cut in half. But how can we rate our sellers if not after the reception of the goods?

How can this be enhanced inside WooCommerce without just adding another Survey or Review addon? Can’t. So we need this one to be quick, efficient, and a reward for the client, not only for the seller.

A similar system on any big WooCommerce installation is a must when you want your Product Reviews to be neutral, and rank your service and correct it when it is crap.

So i’m boosting an old abandonned plugin that was doing similar thing, and will release it when done… no schedule though, we never know!

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