Easy Mod Tools (Advanced Edition) for vB 4

Easy Mod Tools (Advanced Edition) for vB 4
Version 1.0.0
(By Boofo)

What does this product do?
This will add a set of moderation tools for Admins and Mods site-wide.

Note: Currently, this mod will only work on vB 4.1.10, due to the changes made for the memberaction dropdown CSS code. If I get enough requests for other versions of vB, I will add them.

Thanks goes out to masterross for his original version of this mod on which this was built and added to extensively.

Version Information:
Version 1.0.0 –Initial release for vB 4

Installation Overview:

1 Product XML (5 Plugins, 63 Phrases, 4 templates and 12 settings)

Installation Instructions:

1. Upload the upload folder to your site according to the path in the ZIP file.

2. Go to your Admin CP
Scroll down to ‘Plugin System’
Click ‘Manage Products’
Click ‘Add/Import Product’
Click the ‘Browse’ button, and locate the /IMPORT_PRODUCT/product-boofo_modtools.xml file on your computer

3. Go to « Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> Style variable Editor -> Go -> Boofo -> boofo_modtools_color » and set the following:
–Enter the color code of the font color that you want the Mod Tools menu title to show up in.

Note: You will need to do this for each style on your site.

4. Go to the « Admin CP -> Settings -> Options -> Easy Mod Tools (Advanced Edition) » and set the following settings:
–Enable Product? : Enable this product ? (Choose yes to enable it.) Default is: Yes
–Enable Ban tools? : Choose yes to enable (Basic Mod tools) Default is: Yes
–Enable Edit Avatar? : Choose yes to enable (Basic Mod tools) Default is: Yes
–Enable Edit Profile Pic? : Choose yes to enable (Basic Mod tools) Default is: Yes
–Enable Edit Profile tool? : Choose yes to enable (Basic Mod tools) Default is: Yes
–Enable Edit Signature tool? : Choose yes to enable (Basic Mod tools) Default is: Yes
–Enable Remind Password tool? : Choose yes to enable (Advanced Mod tools) Default is: Yes
–Enable Edit User’s Access Mask? : Choose yes to enable (Advanced Mod tools) Default is: No
–Enable Delete All Posts tool? : Choose yes to enable (Advanced Mod tools) Default is: No
–Allowed Groups to use the Basic Tools : These tools are for Moderators. Separate each group using commas. (Example: 5,7) Default is: 5,7
–Allowed Groups to use the Advanced Tools : These tools are for Administrators. Separate each group using commas. (Example: 6,9) Default is: 6
–Enable HTML Markup? : This will enable HTML markup for the lastposter column. Default is: Yes

Note: Do NOT set the same usergroup to both the basic and advanced settings.


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