Country Flags Mod

Country Flags Mod:

Advanced Version Now Available!

There is now a paid advanced version of the Country Flags Mod (by New Joe) available with no outside links. All files needed for this mod will be hosted directly on your site.

It will show the Country Flags in 6 places:

[*]Member List
[*]Member Profile
[*]Private Messages
[*]Show Groups
[*]Who’s Online

About the Advanced Version:

[*]This will fetch the flags directly from your site using no outside link.
[*]If you hover over the Flag, it will show you the country name and IP address, if you are allowed to view IPs.
[*]There are separate settings available to disable the flags for each area they are shown in, as well as settings for usergroups and userids allowed to view the flags.

Views: 25

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