Stevie Nicks – Stand Back

Peu de temps après s’être marriée, Stevie écrit cette chanson après s’être arrêtée pour écouter une nouvelle chanson de Prince qu’elle appréciait mais pas son conjoint… les divergences dans un couple sont importantes, mais il faut savoir se détacher des différences pour voir ce qu’on peut faire ensemble.

No one looked

I walked by

Just an invitation would have been just fine

Said no to him again and again

First he took my heart then he ran

No one knows how I feel

What I say unless you read between my lines

One man walked away from me

First he took my hand

Take me home

(Stand back, stand back)

In the middle of my room

I did not hear from you

It’s alright, it’s alright

To be standing in a line

(Standing in a line)

To be standing in a line

I would cry

La, la, la-la, la, la, laaa, la-la

La, laaaa

La, la, la-la, laaaaa

Do not turn away my friend

Like a willow I can bend

No man calls my name

No man came

So I walked on down away from you

Maybe your attention was more

Than you could do

But one man did not call

He asked me for my love

And that was all

(Stand back, stand back)

In the middle of my room

I did not hear from you

It’s alright, it’s alright

To be standing in a line

(Standing in a line)

To be standing in a line

I would cry

La, la, la-la, la, la, laaa, la-la

La, laaaa

La, la, la-la, la, la, laaaaa

Too few, too few


La, la, la-la, la, la, laaa, la-la

La, la, laaaa

La, la, la-la, laaaaaa

So I walked, walked down the line

Away from you

Maybe your attention was more

Than I could do

One man did not fall

Well, he asked me for my love

That was all

(Stand back, stand back)

In the middle of my room

I did not hear from you

It’s alright, it’s alright

To be standing in a line

(Standing in a line)

To be standing in a line

I could cry

I need a little sympathy

Well, I need a little sympathy

Well, I need to be standing in

(Stand back)

Well, I need to be standing in

(Stand back)

Well, I need to be standing in

(Stand back)

Take me home

Take me home

(Stand back)

Don’t you take me home

Well, I need a little sympathy

(Stand back)…

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