Products and Service back in march

After 3 weeks of dedication at the RC, i’ve managed to schedule my work for the next months, so the plans are quite easy for me now… if everything goes ok, in march I’ll be available to come back at work.

Though, even if nobody wish it, there are possibilities of a second big earthquake in the region in the next weeks, and not only for the Haiti plans, but also for the Dominican Republic as well… making our work worst… we know nothing of what would become, as the evaluations showed the possibility of a bigger quake…

I’ll keep you updated, but do not plan on using our services for a time, as i deactivated the subscriptions to make nobody loose a penny.

Views: 38

7 thoughts on “Products and Service back in march”

  1. merk_aus dit :

    Best of luck with everything Nexia,
    I have not been here for a while as there are so many new things to learn with vb4 but came back today and saw alot of things had changed and hopefully for the better.

    Once you get back on your feet you can at least be garunteed I will be buying a subscription to get some of your great addons for vb4 (which I only just realised you had some).

    Best of luck with everything and hopefully no further earthquakes.

  2. nexia dit :

    Actually there is none of the products for vB 4.0… the ones which are marked for 4.0 are just because they are compatible, they are not coded for it, they are old tools that still work with 4.0…

    I’m not going with the 4.0 generation, we’ll stick with the 3.8 generation until i have no more client… which may take a year or two. I’ll continue developing new tools and release old tools that are still on the shelf, but i’m not coding a single tool for 4.0.


  3. Azhria Lilu dit :

    Don’t forget to take care of yourself while you’re doing what you can for everyone else, Nex!

  4. kevinl dit :

    I wish you all the best and yes please take care of yourself.

    You are a great person helping others like you are. Please keep us updated with everything there.

  5. mandrin dit :

    Keep on strong Nex. You do a load of stuff and need chill time too.

  6. Lionel dit :

    @nexia 26175 wrote:

    Though, even if nobody wish it, there are possibilities of a second big earthquake in the region in the next weeks, and not only for the Haiti plans, but also for the Dominican Republic as well…

    Those things cannot be predicted in advance. There are no science for that. :grin_Sealed:

    The last one before that was 230 years ago.

    Anyway, thank you for anything you are doing in my devastated country.

  7. nexia dit :

    still some days before re-working with vBulletin… not even sure if i will be back, but if i have to come back to vB, it will be in the begining of march..

    there was a long road taken in the last weeks. i worked in Port-au-Prince for 6 days and back at home i had to face some new situation in real life that made me have a drawback in the work over the internet… i’ll see what i can do though, if i do not come back to vBulletin, someone will have to take-over these products.

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