Social Bookmarking Icons.


Summary: 6 social bookmarking icons. (more will come soon) and other sizes released as time permits.
Format: .png
Software: I designed for my vbulletin board though these can be used any software and applied on sites.

Installation: Upload to your /misc folder. Because they come in .png format you will have to change the extension from .gif to .png in the Admincp >> vboptions >> Social Bookmarking Manager.

Additional Info: Because I’ve added a couple more that aren’t in the default vbulletin bookmark manager you will need to go into the showthread_bookmarksite template and adjust the following (style= »width:16%;) code so that the icons remain on one line. Obviously, the amount of icons determines the number percentage you insert adjust this accordingly to suit your preference you do the math.

Conditions of use: This pack may be used on forums, websites but cannot be redistributed or repackaged in any way shape or form for any reason without prior consent of the author.

Views: 40

One thought on “Social Bookmarking Icons.”

  1. mikey1991 dit :

    Thanks Shelley! 😀

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