New Membership System starting on january 1st, 2010

Due to the increase of registrations requesting support and professional products for vBulletin, our subscription formula had to evolve at the same pace. So instead of having seperate subscription for each of our key-products, we’ll now offer a global monthly subscription that will give access to all our products.

This is a large gain compared to our previous plans, as in the past you had to purchase each of our key-products piece by piece, and also subscribe to special plans to receive support. This was requested a lot, about 45% of our regular subscribers requested to have a more flexible plan, because their first interest was to access our products once as they were not really interested to visit often… we must say that 90% of our visitors never need support, so they come once and are happy for a long time.

So the plans changed, what’s up with the old « lifetime » subscription? It stand still for the subscribed, it is only not available anymore, it’s a gained privilege for long term members. There is also a surprise when you subscribe. Once your monthly period is ended, you still continue to have access to the complimentaries products, as a lifetime gift.

And, what do we gain with the new monthly subscription?… access to all our products, download and debug, installation and setup if required.

So there will be no paid products no more? Exactly. The new formula cover the price of all our « possibly paid products » that were seperated in the past. This also include the products to come in the future.

We now have two levels of access, one with support *(Gold), the other without *(Silver). You can access these within the Payments System.

And i always hear someone asking for free access to the freebies… until now these freebies, or complimentaries, were available freely here, but that period ended too, as we had to face the problem of bandwidth usage by the free leechers… So now, we still have these freebies available, but only on, when you visit my profile

So, for everybody, Have an Happy New Year 2010…

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