18 thoughts on “vBulletin 4 Gold is Out”

  1. nexia dit :

    rofl… that’s good, we will have to put all the faults on Don… 😉

  2. nexia dit :

    quite interesting, since the gold was released, less than a day ago, i received more than 50 requests to see my mods updated to 4.0, and a lot of them were offering cash for that. good for me, but bad for me, i was not interested to play with 4.0…

    and i was offered more to upgrade iTrader with the plans for the 3.0 version on vB 4.0… *(ok, you follow, version X, version Y)

  3. Shelley dit :

    I’ve received scores of requests for a fully custom styles (s) wouldn’t touch the software. I think they released a piss poor effort. Anyway, yeah, I think rays building his log cabin in the mountains trying to forget vbulletin. lol

    Live and learn, live and learn.

  4. nexia dit :

    oh, i think i « forgot » to mention a quote from Ray before he leave vB.com…

    Ray in the darkness of my private communications with him wrote:
    Regarding your project, I’ll open to considering anything with a budget. (Can’t take on any volunteer projects at the moment, as I have paying clients lined up for the foreseeable future!)

    yeap yeap, you read it well… he left vBulletin but have an eye on our project… 😉

  5. nexia dit :

    hum, how strange, they were supposed to fix all the bugs in 3.8 before working out the 4.0 alpha, but it seems that are all incompetent, they already release a patch for a bug known since 3.5…

  6. Shelley dit :

    hmmm Looks like with my license coming to the EOL I may be switching to IPB if they carry on finding these security flaws.

  7. nexia dit :

    i have a spared license for the Suite if you need one… 🙂

  8. Shelley dit :

    I’m going to see how it goes but everything is all set for me to drop vbulletin I have just purchased a new domain and will see how the last 2 months of my license pans out.

    If you still have it if I do move I’ll buy it off you nexy. right now I’ll see how it goes.

    It just seems such a sorry state over there. Anyway, I hear you are now posting at org again? Of course I know I replied to one of your threads. Anyway. Your birthday on the 25th if I’m not mistaken? what are you doing to celebrate? :grin_Wink:

  9. nexia dit :

    to celebrate what, my birthday?… it’s a day like all others… rofl…

    btw i’m all with you on the state of vBulletin, i just post on vb.org to spread the most possible and make some good SEO… rofl… nothing about helping the clients of vB solutions.

    with the sync-swimming club and my parenting community, i have plenty of job… CEO and PR guys are good jobs for someone like me… 😉

  10. Shelley dit :

    @nexia 26007 wrote:

    to celebrate what, my birthday?… it’s a day like all others… rofl…

    btw i’m all with you on the state of vBulletin, i just post on vb.org to spread the most possible and make some good SEO… rofl… nothing about helping the clients of vB solutions.

    with the sync-swimming club and my parenting community, i have plenty of job… CEO and PR guys are good jobs for someone like me… 😉

    LOL your in the same mindset as me when it comes to birthdays.

    I thought that was the reason why you posted your works at the org. I must have about 8 of your works on vbsmiley. I must have answered a 100 pms already directing people here asking where did you get that mod, where did you get that mod.

    hmm I’m bored. My sites been open for a month and already I’m bored with it.

  11. nexia dit :

    you did not open that site for the good reasons, that’s why you are bored…

    with all the problems the whole community of vbulletin have to suffer, sure you’re not in the best mood to have a service site… that’s bad.

    that’s why i decided to start my own project… Drew and i are brainstorming a lot lately… we have different mindsets, so maybe we will split both ideas paths and build own own stuff seperate, but as we’re good at brainstorming, i think we can do ok with both projects in the same bubble.

    i may even just go aside and continue my job as a web-architect, it seems that i’m good at it, i win prizes lately, at BuddyPress Eye Candy – 17 of the Best and Beautiful – WordPress MU and BuddyPress plugins, themes, support, tips and how to's as an example… Les dauphines.com — Accueil is one of my site,… and the guy at thcfarmer is again squatting my msn to see if i’m available… rofl… i suppose he wants me to take his psd and make it a theme for vb or wordpress — he is interested in that too… rofl

  12. Shelley dit :

    Yeah I seen that guys theme. Looks nice. How is the project going with you and drew? I know you’ve talked about it a little in here.

    And, your right. I think I opened the site for all the wrong reasons, I don’t even know whether the site can even continue being live with the current license and possibibilty of future exploit flaws. I won’t bitch about it though, I knew what was coming which is why vbimageworks is no longer. I’ve been dealing with forum scripts for years and would hate to see vbulletin (once the flagship script) to put me off. I’m persistent as some people have found out. lol we’ll see. :grin_Wink:

  13. nexia dit :

    as i already said, Shelley, maybe it’s time to focus on the real interests… (yours are what?) right now, my own interests is to build websites that answer real needs. for the first time in 14 years i’m not looking at the codes, i’m not hacking the software… i play with what i have in hands and i build sites accordingly.

  14. Drew dit :

    @nexia 26012 wrote:

    as i already said, Shelley, maybe it’s time to focus on the real interests… (yours are what?) right now, my own interests is to build websites that answer real needs. for the first time in 14 years i’m not looking at the codes, i’m not hacking the software… i play with what i have in hands and i build sites accordingly.

    Agreed, I am starting a project that I am interested in and have freedom over

  15. nexia dit :

    what project, Drew… can we have a hint??? 🙂

  16. Drew dit :

    lol, well I was originally planning a web app that we had talked about as « vb5 » but I decided it would be to much work for just me and I probably would be making to generic for any company to be interested in. So I am making a sort of content management system designed specifically for businesses to easily create dynamic sites without hiring a web dev company. My idea is pretty simple a base engine which you buy addons for like a news module, an e-commerce engine, etc. The plan is to keep the inference extremely simple and upgradable from the Admin Panel (software updates, and addon upgrades). Not sure how will it go but I’ll see

  17. nexia dit :

    so basically it’s all we’ve talked about, in your way… i like it… i like to see our ideas are not lost.

    i’ll see and try to sell the idea when it’s time.

  18. Drew dit :

    Yeah my goal is for the first « suite » of addons and the core done by Summer. I also want to establish a deal with a hosting company and host the sites for the businesses so I can directly compete with freelancers and web design companies.

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