vbEnhancer back at the org for some releases

People will notice in the next days that i’m re-trying to release the complimentary works at vbulletin.org.

Please stay assured that the subscription you paid here to have access to these tools stand still. Members of vbulletin.org will still have to subscribe here to receive support on these products, no matter what.

None of my products will be supported on the org, none will be upgraded to 4.0 before it is noticed here.

That action may or may not bring more visitors here, but that’s a try… good luck !!!

Views: 71

15 thoughts on “vbEnhancer back at the org for some releases”

  1. nexia dit :

    For your curiosity *(and because i was asked), here is the account i created at the org:

    vBulletin.org Forum – View Profile: vbenhancer

    … you can see the stats for each releases…

  2. puertoblack2003 dit :

    lol..welcome back I’ve seen the releases, and i first thought someone else was releasing your mods hahah till i seen your profile. i figured vbenhancer+mods=nexia hahahaha

    yea I’ll be sticking with the 3.8 branch myself for a long time.I was given the opportunity to download 4.0 forum only,And i got upset because i paid for the blog and i didn’t get the suite package.I refused to pay for the renewal.

    but i got over it..and said the hell with 4.0:grin_Tongue:

  3. mandrin dit :

    Nice one Nex,

    Ye, mebbe it will get more feet to this site etc…Hope so!

  4. kevinl dit :

    Cool beans!

  5. nexia dit :

    rofl… now everybody who installed them here can tag the downloads on vb.org as installed as well… lol — some promotion is never bad!

  6. puertoblack2003 dit :

    @nexia 25927 wrote:

    rofl… now everybody who installed them here can tag the downloads on vb.org as installed as well… lol — some promotion is never bad!

    lol completed and nominated…:grin_Grin:

  7. nexia dit :

    nominated for december 2012… their MOTM is not so pathetic, i don’t even care about it…

  8. kevinl dit :

    I wish there was an « install » button in the profile next to all the releases. It would make life so much easier.

    Like you can see if you have it installed and such by looking at someones profile…and (un)install from there also…

  9. mikey1991 dit :

    suggest it to vborg staff 😉

  10. nexia dit :

    i would suggest to see a date of release and number of downloads in the profile, but they refuse any suggestion…

  11. kevinl dit :

    @mikey1991 25955 wrote:

    suggest it to vborg staff 😉

    I think I just saw a pig fly :grin_Kiss:

    @nexia 25958 wrote:

    i would suggest to see a date of release and number of downloads in the profile, but they refuse any suggestion…


  12. nexia dit :

    @kevinl 25999 wrote:

    I think I just saw a pig fly :grin_Kiss:


    i suppose it looked like this one… pretty, isn’t it? its name is Raymond!

  13. mandrin dit :

    ROFL! Raymond the flying piggie… I wonder how high that pig can fly?

  14. nexia dit :

    not sure how hi, but i’m sure he tries to fly until he reach his volcano….

    *(hey Ray, that’s a joke!)

  15. mandrin dit :

    hahahahaha, Nex there is a saying in the afrikaans language:

    « Jy skrik vir niks nie » Which basically means that you say what you feel and stick to your beliefs/convictions come hell or high water.

    I take my hat off to you 🙂

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