Why Our Engine Will Run SO MUCH Better then vb4

Ok, today I started looking over the tutorials about vbulletin 4 over at vbulletin.org. As I do not have a license for it. While I was looking over the tutorials I noticed a few things.

vBulletin’s template engine is still horrible!
vBulletin STILL keeps its templates in the database. This is a HUGE performance crasher, the query to pull all the template data is going to destroy your load time. I have not seen the vBulletin templates engine code but with all the {vb whatever} commands it has to take some time to process, even if it is cached. Also having to define every variable you want to use in your PHP script is just a pain. This is why in our engine templates are PHTML files that are included. This is simple, fast, and allows complex templates just using simple < ?php brackets. vBulletin’s Class Structure is the same
vBulletin’s class structure was good, for a PHP class system 5 years ago. The $vbulletin object is massive and it gets tossed around by every function putting a huge strain on the board. My solution a static core. In my engine you call Core::whatever and every core component is available (db, templates, request cleaner, etc.), and the best part because the Core object is static it can be called everywhere without needing the global command.

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8 thoughts on “Why Our Engine Will Run SO MUCH Better then vb4”

  1. nexia dit :


    keep it for yourself, this is one of my licenses, not nulled.

  2. Drew dit :

    Thank you, although the coding for this is horrible. It has some classes that are right up to standard with PHP 5 while others are the same ones from 3.0.0.. It’s gonna cause them A LOT of problems if they try to transition.

  3. nexia dit :

    Ray know that, i think it’s one of the reasons why he suspended our discussions about 5.0 and wait for evaluations… he may seriously have to switch to a complete new system.

    did you look at how they replaced eval()… lol

  4. Drew dit :

    lol yeah its sad. They really did it wrong. People were expecting it be to be completely changed I don’t get why they didn’t. Even if it is a few years a « 5.0 » needs to come out so they aren’t stuck with this awkward engine.

    Are you still in talks with Ray Morgan? Because I think just showing him what I have so far for my engine already exceeds vbulletins core rofl

  5. nexia dit :

    no, no news from Ray M… he said there would be no more discussion until 4.0 Gold… i understand why, but i continue to think they need to write down their roadmap before releasing anything else… but that’s just me.

    i’m still playing with WordPress/Buddypress

  6. Drew dit :

    Yeah, I have a feeling the gold version won’t be out for at least another month just by looking at the vb.com site there are still many bugs that need to be solved.

  7. nexia dit :

    oh, a note about Buddypress that i like a lot…

    Buddypress is a plugin, not the core of the engine… basically, you need a WordPress MU *(multi-users) and you upload Buddypress as a plugin. once installed, Buddypress take control of your WordPress MU and handle all of the missing features.

    this is some interesting detail here, because a plugin become the core, that’s something new in the web market. So logically, you can decide what kind of interface you have depending on the plugin you install.

    So, what with our project?… our system could have a plugin like Buddypress that would transform the single-site system into a multi-sites platform… making our engine flexible for webmasters and clients. with a single plugin, our webmasters would be able to set multiple sites.

  8. Drew dit :

    Yeah I’ll look into WordPresses Plugin system see if we can use the same concept.

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