Upgrading our products to vBulletin 4.0

Until further notice, we’re not updating our products to the newer version of vBulletin… for a single reason: we are dedicated to vBulletin’s latest official version.

vB 4.0beta is not an official version, it is not supported, and the plans are not clear on how and when they will release the Gold… so we’re not in rush to support that version here.

btw, in the next weeks i’ll be back at coding and will release all the products that were not released yet, like the Calendar and Social Groups bundles.

Views: 32

6 thoughts on “Upgrading our products to vBulletin 4.0”

  1. mandrin dit :


    Can’t wait. Been looking forward to this one!

  2. mitch84 dit :

    bonne nouvelle et bon courage, merci

  3. jaderollie dit :

    yes 4.0 is to early yet for upgrading

  4. merk_aus dit :

    An awesome post knowing that in the future these addons will be updated to vb4 – you have the best mods available (apart from the invite mod I always find thatone useful) an am glad that although IB/vB didn’t take you up on your offer to help enhance some of their current features I am glad this site is here to do it!.

  5. KURTZ dit :

    right now vB4 has too many troubles and many bugs … anyway we can test your products and see if they runs correctly …

    also, i saw that jelsoft has copied some ideas from your products Nexy … 😛

  6. nexia dit :

    @KURTZ 25758 wrote:

    right now vB4 has too many troubles and many bugs … anyway we can test your products and see if they runs correctly …

    also, i saw that jelsoft has copied some ideas from your products Nexy … 😛

    you tell me… rofl

    i did not check this version, but since 3.0 until 3.8, i calculated more than 25 000 lines copied or mimic’d … i know what’s in their mind, we call this liars and cheater… but that was Jelsoft… IB seems interested to have third party developers, so maybe one day we will see my name somewhere… actually most of the coders i know who are working in the 4.0 project will not see their name in it because they are in the dark. not supposed to be there.

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