As I’ve I started writing the Core for our engine I’ve really started to notice we are gonna need at least a name for our engine so we can start really « integrating » it into the core. We also are going to need some sort of « branding » for it (like logo, colors, etc.), so when we start making the layout we can have a basic theme.
My idea for the name would be something that emphasizes it’s flexible or adaptable (like a synonym for one of those words).
Views: 32
Perfect Blue Buildings …
that’s what i was listening when i read your post… we need something like this as a tagline… maybe for the same reasons… rofl
ok, i’m not suicidal because i have no friends, i just think the words are good… « perfect buildings »… our tools will be perfectly built.
we can brainstorm for words, that’s good… 🙂
lol ok, well I think we should definitely do something that highlights flexibility, and I guess because it is a CMS we should add that suffix. My idea was FlexCMS but that would probably be confused with Flex by Adobe
it’s not only a cms, we have to use a name, not a description in it… the description of usage will be the tagline, like « your definite cms ». … 🙂
we need to resume some definitions like this: Web content management system – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ok I guess something like FlexSite, I am not very creative lol
we will stop the brainstorm, someone else will help on the ideas… lol
but my picture is cool, admit it… rofl