5 thoughts on “Will you kill Rick Poster???”

  1. nexia dit :

    actually it is not Rick *(which also is a real member), but vB.com which send multiple rss because they are updating their feeds the wrong way… server moves etc..

    i think they added a new ping in 4.0, which break our own system for the older system — that’s another thing i told them about the feeds.

  2. nexia dit :

    ok, so with 3500 threads created relatively to the RSS Feed at vbulletin.com, i think it is clearly their problem, and i decided to drop the feeds for a time, until they decide that they have a problem to fix there… lol

  3. Alfa1 dit :

    Much better!

  4. nexia dit :

    i’m not the only place where these feeds from vb.com were hectic… some sites, not all, were receiving 500 copies of each entry in their feed — since the update of their site,.

    go figure, they said their servers were overloading… sure we know what.. 🙂

  5. Alfa1 dit :

    Thats quite hilarious.

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