Accepting Donation of vBulletin Licenses

I don’t know how to say it without breaking the english language, but anyway…

In the last 2 days, i’ve read a lot of whiners posting their disagreement to the new vBulletin licenses and policies… and a lot of them decided to leave the vB market to switch to something different, like phpBB or Invision…

I have a large list of non-profit organisations willing to start a forum or a community, and they do not have any money to purchase a license. They usually wait for someone who is willing to donate some cash to do so…

But as i’ve read today that some guys are ready to abandon their vBulletin license to go elsewhere and as it is permitted to switch a license owner to another, i would like to ask if you guys would be ready to donate your licenses instead of making the pleasure to IB to see you vanish simply…

You would be listed as donator to these non-profit groups, as well as having the honnor to help social groups having a place on the web…

I hope to have your attention guys, you have a conscience, and i am proud to say that most of the vBulletin license holders have more human sense than others.

Views: 34

6 thoughts on “Accepting Donation of vBulletin Licenses”

  1. Shelley dit :

    Nexy, I think it’s quite safe to say that when the vbulleteers say they are leaving they don’t really mean it. I can bet that 99% of them will continue to use vbulletin no matter what license agreements have been amended or price changes enforced.

    I’m also guessing that a few will continue to use the script and stop at 3.8.X untill their licenses have ran out. I myself will use 3.8 indefinitely and upgrade th patches/version as long as my license remains active for the 3 series I expect others will do the same because vb3.9 will do everything people will need or ever need in a script.

    I feel many people are venting and bluffing but will continue to use vbulletin. It would be interesting to see how all this pans out over the following months though.

    I could be wrong though but rarely ever am.

  2. nexia dit :

    i know, i know, but hopefully someone will… rofl

  3. Shelley dit :

    LOL It’s like a free for all over there so anything is possible. Goodluck with that anyway. Hopefully someone soon will donate a license.

  4. mandrin dit :

    It’s like a feeding frenzied fightfest over there… Poor mods. It sux when the bosses make you have to be their shield to sometime bad decisions or implementations of those decisions… Anyways, it will be what it will be.
    Based on the amount of people saying they are going to migrate, I am sure you will get an account or two Nexia.

  5. Azhria Lilu dit :

    It’s crazy over there at the moment – I’m staying out of the threads and will, as always, wait and see what happens. Not that I could afford to upgrade this side of christmas anyway – kids christmas presents are more important than software.

  6. mikey1991 dit :

    Nexy, I’m sure someone will donate a license. 🙂

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