This Product will make you change the way you see the Social Groups.
Each feature of the Social Groups are redefined and enhanced to make them really useful. As you will see with the screenshots, schools, organisations and teams will see the new face of the Groups they use to have on their site.
List of features integrated in the bundle right now:
1- Send Mass Private Messages to Social Group, based on usergroup permission, with message formating.
2- Complete reformating of Overview and Main Group Page, inspired by Lynne’s template edits.
3- Capability to post Group Events in calendars, based on permissions. *(when group is deleted, all events related to that group are deleted)
4- Additional option, when editing an event on calendar, you can move the event from calendar to calendar.
5- Group description with message formating, permission based.
6- Auto-Subscription to Joined Group, with option on off/none/daily/weekly notification.
7- List or hide Group Events on Forumhome, with Group name as prefix or not.
8- Display Social Groups on Forumhome, seamlessly to the display, with all details and sorted the way you need.
Everything is template based, so you can modify these enhancements to your taste.
Link to the product: Social Groups Enhancements Bundle –
This bundle cost 20$, lifetime support and service, and will be updated often when i start coding again. First update will contain RSS Feeds, the secure way *(all other rss feeds released for the groups actually contain XSS exploits)
Views: 48
i’ve been absent here in the last two weeks due to my accident, but while not coding, i decided to release some packages that were on the shelf this summer that just needed some testing to be released… so here is the first one.
next will surely be something related to the calendar, like « maybe » the « Events Forum » hack released in the past on which i now have the right to recode and re-release… if i use the same technique used in this package for the forums instead of the groups, the numerous queries made by the old system will vanish… my new system is without additional queries in most parts, and i am checking to make it completely without queries if possible to use the datastore cache.
this is an awesome feature and i’m sure that it will useful for my site since we have alots of groups.And its worth the price..
I’m in and purchased.:grin_Grin:
take care, i will release a better version in the next days, where no more file edit is needed and where you will be able to join with « Events discussions… the product that makes a bridge between Events, Forum Discussions and the Calendar »… a minimized version of « events forum » with less codes, simplier, using the original calendar/events/forums permissions instead of creating a parallel system… 🙂
the newer version will be an upgrade to the actual version, so you have no problem using the actual version…
@nexia 22983 wrote:
ok, sounds good..i’ll be on the look out.