sorry for the error on installation from the latest update, now it is fixed.
when i first given the job to one of the guys, he was new to the team, not even registered here yet, and it was proven that his CV was kinda bloated, he prove me he was stupid and knew nothing about vBulletin… sorry for you all.
now the process is supposed to be ok, i pushed all the install process into the regular vBulletin protocol, so the missing field is supposed to be detected now.
download the new version and re-import the product file.
Views: 25
Just wanted to check to see if this is happening for everyone. When you look at the Total Rating Statistics for the site, the Recent Ratings (Past month, 6, 12) show all zeros. It works when viewing individual ratings, but it seems they are not being totaled for the entire group. Great product, keep it up!!!!
the problem seems to come from the new addon integrated to the iTrader itself, which does not display the same data as the original page… i will try to fix this in the next weeks when i’m back coding for vBulletin.
I’d like to see it work for me period. I’m getting a 404 error when I click on the link in the profile to view feedback. How often do you all check posts?
that just mean you did not upload the files to the proper path.
What is the proper path? They were uploaded as instructed
Got it going. Anyone having the same issue might want to read this: