First place on the web for that… good!

Ok, for the next weeks i am unable to code, due to the fact that after my accident i’ve been assigned to rest, and i am unable to concentrate for more than 2 minutes… but i can still post, as some people already read on…

So, i’ve been thinking of something in the last months, since i’ve questioned the staff at about some enhancements and features lightening because i had bugs with existing functions in vB… The only official answers i could get were like this:

We do not provide info on how specific code works in vB. Sorry.
Otherwise if this is not a bug then this is not something we can support.
Sorry but as he said this is custom coding and this is not something we support. You can try asking for help with this at the vB mod site: Forum – The Official vBulletin Resource!

so do i ask at are you serious… that site is not even supported by the company that created it.

i decided that the best place where to ask was here, at home. but how can we deal with questions about coding… so we will not!… we will provide tutorials and how-tos for coders, which is way better than giving examples of what to do…

so it’s pointless for the visitors to ask for any code here, i will simply move the request or even delete them if i see fit. This is not a forum for code requests, it’s a knowledge base, a place where you ask for something specific you can not answer by the regular means… like a SDK or a Code Book… 🙂

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