Rarely we have file edits, but we have good news anyway

In the last weeks i’ve been testing a small and simple script that was able to alter your files without the need for you to edit them by hand *(avoiding at the same time to possibility to break everything)…

So this small piece of script will be inserted into the distribution of any product requiring file edits here … there are rare, but i will update them with the new system when i update them generally.

Just to inform you of the protocol used, it is quite simple. If the file is found, the script will grab its entire content, will verify if the modification was already made, will erase that version, then will install the modification anew, to be sure it is the latest version. 100% of the time it will be hooks added, instead of large pieces of codes, so there is no chance that we mess up your files.

Using Hooks in these modifications make the system safe, as you can disable the product or delete it, and do not fear to break anything. We’ve often seen other coders requiring file edits but « forgot » to tell how to uninstall or were making the code so unsafe that when the script had errors it was breaking the whole forum. Hooks are safe because deactivated when the product is disabled and they are also deactivated when there is nothing to hook it to *(if you uninstall the product)…

Views: 12

2 thoughts on “Rarely we have file edits, but we have good news anyway”

  1. nexia dit :

    The best example of what we intend to do with this is the « Selective Filtered Forum Suite », where we are forced to add pieces of code in a file that is deep inside the system. usually, if you hack this file, you may break your entire forum and have hard time recovering it. Our system will insert 3 hooks inside that file, and these hooks are disabled by default, making no change to your forum if they are not activated.

    The script we provide also delete the modifications if the product is uninstalled… and for your security, we also provide a « How-To » if you want to do it by hand instead…

  2. kevinl dit :

    This is going to be a nice little addon. Not every place can have a hook.

    I can think of at least one of your mods that uses a file edit and come update times I always forget LOL!

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