Post Icons (.png)



Summary: Post Icons to replace the default vbulletin stock post icons. Additional custom Post Icons are added that you will need to add via the admincp >> post icons manager.

Installation: Upload to your /icons folder. Because they come in .png format you will have to change the extension from .gif to .png in the post icon manager.

Additional Info: The poll_posticon.png icon gets uploaded into your misc folder and not your icons folder. You may need to create a replacement variable for this icon as the default format is .gif.

Don’t ask for additional support why I didn’t release .gif variants, I won’t wipe peoples arses anymore. Everything you need is in this thread, so please refrain from asking for a .gif format which comes with matting problems had I released this format.

Views: 38

2 thoughts on “Post Icons (.png)”

  1. mistera dit :

    thanks, it’s great 🙂

  2. merk_aus dit :

    Thanks for another great set – really appreciate it.

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