Ok, so first week of september, everybody who had to go back to school is now there, and that makes me complete solo on this site for the next months… In addition, it’s the same thing in real life, everybody above 5 years old is now back to school even in my home, and that means i will have 2 kids around me all the time, no matter what.
So instead of being stressed out by the release of some commercial tools i would not be able to finish on due time, i decided to push all these releases in the Homeworks forum so if a different coder is interested to put some time on them, they are available. Besides, that gives me the opportunity to debug all existing complimentaries and release a new bunch of these small tools during the schooltime.
Right now i’m on one single contract, making my time useful to one client only. But once this contract is completed, i’ll be free to provide more gadgets.
I see vBulletin 4.0 coming fast for the next weeks, i suppose i’ll receive the beta as soon as it is released, and i « may » put a test version somewhere, but my priority is to provide support for the 3.8.x generation for the next year, so you will not see me switch to 4.0.
So that’s it… i’m now a single man, with 2 kids under 5 at home, working sparetime to provide support for his official work…
Views: 15
keep your head up, you’ll make it through it 🙂