Welcome Message by the Hour

Will replace the boring « Welcome, nexia. » with something customized by the hour. You can edit each phrase to fit your fun.


as you see in the screenshot, the phrase « fit » the moment of the day, and when you hover the entire line, you now see what time it is when you load the page, instead of having to go to the footer to read it.

nex_welcome_x_link_y_00 => Browsing by midnight, nexia?
nex_welcome_x_link_y_01 => Look, it’s dark outside, nexia!
nex_welcome_x_link_y_02 => nexia, don’t you think it’s time for bed?
nex_welcome_x_link_y_03 => Sure you’ll be hard to keep awake today, nexia…
nex_welcome_x_link_y_04 => Shut, everybody’s sleeping, nexia!
nex_welcome_x_link_y_05 => Welcome on this new day, nexia.
nex_welcome_x_link_y_06 => Early morning, nexia!
nex_welcome_x_link_y_07 => Breakfast time, nexia!
nex_welcome_x_link_y_08 => ‘Morning, nexia.
nex_welcome_x_link_y_09 => Welcome to another day of work, nexia.
nex_welcome_x_link_y_10 => Where’s the coffee yet, nexia?
nex_welcome_x_link_y_11 => Hum, hungry, nexia?
nex_welcome_x_link_y_12 => Dinner time, nexia!
nex_welcome_x_link_y_13 => Let’s get back to work, nexia!
nex_welcome_x_link_y_14 => So, having a nice day, nexia?
nex_welcome_x_link_y_15 => ‘Hope you enjoy your visit, nexia.
nex_welcome_x_link_y_16 => Clearing the day off, nexia?
nex_welcome_x_link_y_17 => Supper Time, nexia.
nex_welcome_x_link_y_18 => What’s on the News tonight, nexia?
nex_welcome_x_link_y_19 => Homeworks, nexia, homeworks.
nex_welcome_x_link_y_20 => Aren’t the kids in bed yet, nexia?
nex_welcome_x_link_y_21 => Time for some popcorn, nexia.
nex_welcome_x_link_y_22 => Need a massage, nexia?
nex_welcome_x_link_y_23 => Unable to sleep, nexia?

these phrases are the one used by the engine, without any template edit, any function added, it’s a simple replacement, and it works on the fly, so you do not have to bother if the user see the right sentence for its hour of browsing.

note: september 24th, 2009: debug of the date function to display in other languages. vbdate() was replaced by date() so the sentence is ok. Just import the product again.

october 6th, 2009: another fix regarding the date, dropped the « local » call so any language is supposed to display at the right time…

Views: 141

43 thoughts on “Welcome Message by the Hour”

  1. Taragon dit :

    I like it! (I see you’ve taken over a bit of [user]Boofo[/user]’s work here)

    In this current forumstyle the « [Log Out] » feature and username are overlapping a bit.

  2. nexia dit :

    hum, actually i never looked at Boofo’s code here… i know he had something like this, but his approach was different.

    and yes, my own template is crappy, will edit it right away

  3. Taragon dit :

    lol, I wouldn’t call it crappy for sure!

  4. nexia dit :

    hum, i just read Boofo’s code for the same kind of feature… 50 lines of code… mine is one line, and i add the hover effect in that same line… not to compare, but i think he work in a different way… 🙂 and my sentences are way cooler… rofl

  5. cloni dit :

    lol. That`s pretty cool. Thanks for sharing nexia! 🙂

  6. kevinl dit :

    I like this a lot!

    Right now it says « Homeworks, kevinl, homeworks. » here. Is that not supposed to happen?

  7. nexia dit :

    sure, as it is 19:05, and on school days, it’s time to do the homeworks… rofl

    as said in post #1, you can edit any phrase to fit your wills.

  8. mikey1991 dit :

    Great stuff Nexy, I love it as always! *installed*

  9. omegared dit :

    where do I go to edit these? I can’t seem to find the right place.

  10. nexia dit :

    you have to edit each phrase in the phrase manager… 🙂

    or you edit the product file by hand and re-import it

  11. omegared dit :

    Okay. Thanks for the prompt reply.

  12. nexia dit :

    script updated, by a Bug Report from [user]Allan[/user]. the sentences were not showing because the function from vBulletin that is managing dates is not parsing the date indicator from other languages than english. Now it is fixed.

    simply import the product again…

  13. Taragon dit :

    Has there been changed anything related to the timezone settings perhaps?
    I mean, it’s around eleven in the morning here, and it’s showing up here as “Sure you’ll be hard to keep awake today, …”

  14. nexia dit :

    it is not based on the timezone but the « TIMENOW » variable, which is built with the « dateline_user »… so i don’t know if there is a problem or not…

  15. Taragon dit :

    I’m not exactly sure about the difference.

    It however does seem to be reacting on servertime. Being from the Netherlands using an American server things look rather awkward sometimes.

    The previous version, did seem to be handle this better if I’m correct. Which was the reason why I was asking.
    Would that version still be available perhaps?

  16. nexia dit :

    ok, seing that reason i think i understand the problem… which is basically VERY simple to fix, but i had to know why it was messing out… i can not test if i am in america using an american server…

    i’ll fix that later this evening…

    fix: $thisdate = $thisdate + $gst_of_user * 3600;


  17. Taragon dit :

    Thanks! Though I have to admit, I’m not exactly sure how to implement that.

  18. nexia dit :

    that was a joke Taragon, i did not ask you to do it, i showed you what was to be done.. .lol

    file updated, it is supposed to work now… if not, i jut have a switch to do in the code… it’s a bit complicated as i can not test the offworld… rofl

  19. Taragon dit :

    I got that, afterwards of course :p Guess I was a bit too enthusiastic 😉

    It’s working like a charm, though you might wish to implement this again
    @nexia 22603 wrote:

    note: september 24th, 2009: debug of the date function to display in other languages. vbdate() was replaced by date() so the sentence is ok.

  20. nexia dit :

    that’s what i’ve done… i suppose i have to check back again… lol

  21. Tanapangarap dit :

    Hi, Nexia.

    I have version 1.0.0 of your product, but the problem where welcomes do not properly reflect different time zones is still present. As a member pointed out:

    The one issue I’ve found with it is that it doesn’t correlate with the time zones. For instance, at the time of this writing, it’s ~2:30 in the morning here, and I’m getting « Browsing by Midnight, Wooldridge? » which is, I’m assuming, designated for 12:00 as opposed to 2. Because of this issue, however, I think I’m gonna have to side with Saint and say that it’s not a bad idea to change them to things not actually related to the hour.

    Perhaps you added a fix but did not change the file version, at least as displayed on the attachment on the OP of this topic?

    We’ve (the members) thought of getting around this by replacing the current welcomes with welcomes not pertaining to the time of day. This seems a good suggestion, but I’d still be interested in a fix.



  22. nexia dit :

    you can download the latest version to see if the problem is fixed… this is part of the updates.

  23. Tanapangarap dit :

    That did the trick. Thanks.

  24. jaderollie dit :

    i cant see no phrases

  25. jman dit :

    I find the phrases in the phrase manager just fine…

    I wonder how I can make them work on my welcome message on my cmps home page. It still shows welcome back, and when they go into the forums the messages start.

    These are great, thanks for sharing.:grin_Smile:

  26. nexia dit :

    hum, cmps is not taking this into consideration because the data is not parsed at the right moment… i will take a look at that when i’m back at coding…. written in the task list.

  27. jaderollie dit :

    thanks will wait patiently 😉

  28. Taragon dit :

    it working just fine at my vBadvanced. Are you sure the welcome_x_link_y phrase is actually located at your navbar/header template?

  29. nexia dit :

    as some older versions of the vbCMPS are using the old translation, maybe the code of my hack is not compatible… i will have to check that too.

  30. jaderollie dit :

    i added it all, and got a no show, though i know im using old stuff, as im unsure how to update :grin_Crying:

  31. Taragon dit :

    you’ve lost me there.. 🙂 what exactly have you replaced for what?

  32. jaderollie dit :

    i installed as it should be, though its still showing the same old sentance, and none of the improvements

  33. Taragon dit :

    ah, 2 different stories 🙂 no cmps there.. assuming you’ve installed it correctly, it must be the style (header/navbar template) itself then, missing the phrase probably.

  34. jaderollie dit :

    @Taragon 25579 wrote:

    ah, 2 different stories 🙂 no cmps there.. assuming you’ve installed it correctly, it must be the style (header/navbar template) itself then, missing the phrase probably.

    yes lolol 🙂
    i think the features, and the site itself is 100% great 😉
    its just that im just not that good to put some of it in action

  35. nexia dit :

    the problem comes from your older version of vbulletin, which have a different sentence that the version that is suported here… i’ll see to add this check in the next version… i’ll update it soon.

  36. jaderollie dit :

    thanks, i would update, but will my site not work?

  37. nexia dit :

    from what i see, there would be no difference if you update from 3.7 to 3.8… 😉

  38. jaderollie dit :

    omg now you got me worried, its only reason i dont upgrade is that i may lose all my hacks

  39. nexia dit :

    it always depend on what hacks you have on your site… you may have to list them all, see if they are really useful or can be replaced, and you check on vb.org if they are updated to the latest version…

    btw, you could also evaluate your interest in vB 4.0… may worth the wait, as you may have it in hands in a week or two, and rebuild your side depending on that version.

    but this is another site where you have to discuss that matter… lol

  40. jaderollie dit :

    loads to think about 🙂
    ive just installed groups, and thats a no goer too, i deff would like to upgrade, but not if it knocks out all my hacks, i cant see why they dont have all this ready

  41. ctrlbrk dit :

    I believe #04 should say « Shush, » instead of « Shut, »


  42. nexia dit :

    so edit it, that’s why the system is based on phrases, you can edit them to your choice.

  43. ctrlbrk dit :

    @nexia 26116 wrote:

    so edit it, that’s why the system is based on phrases, you can edit them to your choice.

    Yes no doubt, I didn’t mean disrespect was just trying to help with the English wording.


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