There is a missing bbcode for coders, highlighting SQL queries… and while i have the only one in hands for vBulletin, i provide it right away…
Simply upload that product. The usage is quite simple… you use the [SQL] or [MYSQL] bbcodes to wrap your sql queries, and the result will look like this:
if you are willing to change the highlight colors, they are located in the function nex_fetch_mysql_colors() inside the product file. I do not base my colors to the ini_set hightlight colors, like most of the other guys, because these colors are horrible.
btw, this is for SQL queries, if you insert your sql queries in PHP code, use the [PHP] bbcode instead, because the highlight is working on sql queries, not code, as it is supposed to be… 🙂
Views: 72
C’est vrai que ca manque en effet 🙂
Nexia’s BBCode SQL/MYSQL query highlighter
CREATE TABLE sample.taceledger (
INT(10) unsigned not null default ‘0’,doc_no
DECIMAL(6,0) unsigned NOT null ,doc_date
DECIMAL(4,0) unsigned not null ,slcode
VARCHAR(6) not null ,tr
VARCHAR(1) not null ,cr_db
VARCHAR(1) not null,amount
DECIMAL(13,2)unsigned not null ,revcode
DECIMAL(4,0)unsigned not null ,narration
VARCHAR(30)unsigned not null,cramt
DECIMAL(13,2) unsigned not null,indi
VARCHAR(1)not null ,dbamt
DECIMAL(13,2) unsigned not null,acctype
VARCHAR(1) unsigned not null,PRIMARY KEY (
created in may 2005 for vB 2.x, generated a 3.5 product in august 2009, and delivering this final version in july 2012… code completely untouched!… things are not changing as fast as predicted on the web :wince:
Available for vBulletin 3.7.0 to 4.X.X
There is a missing bbcode for coders, highlighting SQL queries… and while i have the only one in hands for vBulletin, i provide it right away…
Simply upload that product. The usage is quite simple… you use the [ SQL] or [ MYSQL] bbcodes to wrap your sql queries, and the result will look like what you see above!
if you are willing to change the highlight colors, they are located in the function nex_fetch_mysql_colors() inside the product file. I do not base my colors to the ini_set hightlight colors, like most of the other guys, because these colors are horrible.
btw, this is for SQL queries, if you insert your sql queries in PHP code, use the [php] bbcode instead, because the highlight is working on sql queries, not code, as it is supposed to be…
How To install:
upload via ftp the files contained in the /UPLOAD_THIS/ folder, in the proper structure you see there.
then import the product found in the /IMPORT_PRODUCT/ folder.
no setting, no file edit…
i’m actually not satisfied with this parser, and my plan is to generate a multi-languages parser/highlighter that will take any kind of language, like MySQL, C++, PHP, FORTRAN etc, and parse it (to see if it is constructed properly), and highlight it with great colors that fit for the job… there will also have a button to « copy code in clipboard », so you do not copy the colored code, just the code itself!