on this unofficial date of july 1st 2009, i had to face the situation that i was overwhelmed with « too much work, not enough time » to execute everything… so instead of having a burn-out and depressing due to a lack of energy, i decided it was time to focus on specific projects in this life…
Not everybody here know that i own a bunch of websites big enough to compete the biggest forum fans, but in fact, i was the owner of 54+ forums, all driven by vBulletin. You understand why i was focussing on coding little hacks for vB lately.. 🙂
That is a part of vbEnhancer.com that you know only when you read my posts on vb.com and on these forums i own… but quite frankly, nobody follow me there. I had religion related communities, parenting groups, comic fans sites, and some other coding teams, for a total of 54, the last was bought last month and is already back to his owner after a complete restructuration.
That’s the goal of my personal business though, taking-over projects that are in difficulties, and rebuilding them when possible, or merging the others with existing sites. It’s not a complicated job, it can take me like 10 hours per month to execute all the checkups etc… nothing fancy, and nothing that block me from coding for vbE…
The big problem was mainly to maintain discussions with most of the admins of these sites, as i was not the one dealing with site management. I was merely checking over the shoulder of these admins…
I had a meeting with these admins in the last weeks, and it was decided that i would be quicker than planned on giving back that ownership to all the site admins i had under my hand. For the ones unable to drive their sites as they are now, they will now be sponsored by other experimented admins who have learned from the experience and are ready to go with more responsabilities. That’s something very interesting because some guys abandonned, some took-over, mainly because i showed them it was possible and not complicated when we were structured and organised. I saw some admins build staff teams that are now very efficient, and this is something i like a lot. You can imagine that a parenting site is hard to deal with; it’s very complicated to find staff that will fit…
So that’s it… from the 54 websites i had under hand, the count is now at 14 and going down… at the end of this week, i will have 2 websites left, which are the one you’re actually on, and a project that still is on paper only, Smalah.com, a parenting site of my own *(first a time).
The move was quick, the decision was made that the original site owners take-back what we dealt in the past, as it was in the contract that once the sites are ready to live on their own again i would let go… but some sites are longer to deal with…
In this whole adventure, i had two steps… some guys here know that last year i abandonned part of the sites i was taking care of, i gave-back about 30 or 35 sites i had under hand… each year i drop some of these sites when they are mature enough… but that’s not always the end, i usually take-over 2 or 3 sites per month for years… i get used to do that kind of stuff… but now i think it’s enough, i have to focus on my own projects… restarting vbEnhancer.com as it is supposed to be, and building my own community for parents. After a total of more/less 200 take-overs in the last 5 years, i think i have enough experience to drive my own site and make it big…
So i wish myself some luck, i will need some… :grin_Confused:
Views: 32
Good Luck!
good luck brother ,that’s alot to handle…
I agree with the part to focus on specific projects for more success, not only in business but also regarding real life matters. Personally, I believe that was a good decision of yourself and I hope you´ll get rid of them also emotionally, because I know it aint easy to get rid of projects you´ve worked hard on and loved them. What always helped me out was … *drums* SEX dude. You gotta have more of that to enjoy life. lol 😉
Cheers mate and good luck!
/me votes nexia for president.
@cloni 22485 wrote:
i wish my wife did not read this, but she was behind me… come on…
Good luck, Nex 🙂
Wow…that would be a lot for anyone to handle!!
You need to relax a little once and a while hahah