Closed Thread Title Decoration

Closed Thread Title Markup

This simple product will provide a new option via the admincp to add custom text markup to closed thread titles on the FORUMDISPLAY page.

View screenshots to give an example of this, it’s running on my forums.

There are existing modifications available on that achieve similar results, but they’re a bit « bloated » and « clumsy » for my liking.. They have several options just for the markup, with their own setting group.

This product adds just 2 options and 1 forum permission; a CSS text based option so that you can enter whatever you want for the markup, and an option to disable the markup on sticky threads. Both are added to an already existing setting group « Forum Display Options (forumdisplay) ». The forum permission allows you to use the Closed Thread Markup on a per-forum basis.

This product was re-named to « Closed Thread Title Markup » from 1.0.2 onwards.


This is modification is released as donationwear..
If you use it on your forums, please consider donating. Every little helps!

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