3 thoughts on “What Happened?”

  1. Taragon dit :

    lol, sure, you’re currently looking at vbteam’s support site…

    according to their twitter:

    vBTEAM will be down for at least 48 hours.

  2. lilfabbro dit :

    Thanks for the quick reply i was wondering why i couldnt get it to load lol, but i have that prob almost every day but not for this long of time, thx man

    oh and anyone no why half the time i cant download here, i donated 10$ or did that signup thing for the key or w/e it is but still i cant ever d/l and stuff

  3. nexia dit :

    you did not donate, for one, you paid a subscription key for the content found in the Complimentary forum… not the others.

    and secundo, you’re not on a forum related vbTEam, so stop asking…

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