Optioncode Checkbox

If you are not a coder, if you are not developing tools that need a checkbox in the vBulletin Settings, you do not need this


For the coders, use this file, insert the two plugins in it in your product file, and configure your options like on the screenshot! it is not working if you do not add the code to your products, remember!

that is THAT simple…

this is a longtime missing feature in the admincp… because some people think it is useless… yeah. some!

Views: 9

One thought on “Optioncode Checkbox”

  1. nexia dit :

    oh, btw, do not come here to say you have no idea how this is working… if you don’t know, you’re not a code developer, and i’m not here to teach.

    yes it creates an serialized array, yes it is a bitfield entry.

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