4 thoughts on “Next Step?”

  1. nexia dit :

    hum, good question… you can browse my existing stuff and see what could be integrated to the MTF…

    the Elections/Candidate can be something… instead of a section, we can make it a forum, and with the new weighted polls from Hambil, merging everything to make it the master poll/elections engine ?

    i will check what i have to do in the next days and come back to comment even more.

  2. Drew dit :

    Ok yeah i need something to do lol or else i feel like i am not accomplishing anything

  3. nexia dit :

    Hambil is handling my ajax visible/invisible problem, then it will be integrated to the « Office is Open » in some way.. 🙂

    other than that, i need someone to clean the house before the in-laws are coming here… rofl

  4. Drew dit :

    lol ok well i think i am gonna find that list of addons to make for MTF and start on it

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