« Add Contact » Button on Contacts Popup

« Add Contact » Button on Contacts Popup

This simple template modification will provide a button to add a new user to your contact list on the contacts popup (an under-used feature of vBulletin!).

View screenshot to give an example of this, it’s running on my forums.

The button image is created by Oxygen Team, and is released under the GPL.


This is modification is released as donationwear..
If you use it on your forums, please consider donating. Every little helps!

Views: 64

5 thoughts on “« Add Contact » Button on Contacts Popup”

  1. nexia dit :

    hum, don’t get me wrong, but isn’t it already too late?

    the Contact Popup already is a list of your actual Contacts, why would it be needed to add a button to add these guys to your contact if they already are in your contacts ???

  2. xOBKx dit :

    It’s a single generic button at the top that links to profile.php?do=buddylist, so that you can add more contacts to the list – not the ones that are already there.. 😉

  3. nexia dit :

    Oh, the icon on the top right… rofl… add a big red circle around it so i understand.. rofl… i’m a low brainer, remember!

    i did not check your code at all

  4. andyrew dit :

    Unable to download or click attachment. :grin_Crying:

  5. nexia dit :

    hum, oh, i’ll see the permissions… woops

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