For a long time now I have been pondering on the idea about a sign handle generator. I have one experienced and very talented developer on board. And we have the graphics developer on this project. I am mainly posting to see what kind of features that a sign handle generator could have. Something out of the box with a little uniqueness to it kind of script.
I’m aiming for something creative yet different and am posting here on the chance the discussion can lead to some brainstorming of ideas.
The project hasn’t started as yet and could commence anytime soon. :grin_Smile:
Views: 66
by signs, you mean what, deaf signs?
or this kind of engine: e-steki Smilie Maker 1.7 – Forum ??
I missed this script & never knew it existed. I’ve installed but nothing is working so I expect this will need brought up to 3.8.
Do you happen to know if michelle is/has abandoning this script nexy? And/or has anyone took this over? I might be interested in taking this over if michelle doesn’t mind and might contact her/him.
In march, i asked her if i could takeover her work, mainly the Karma hack.. she told me she was not ready…
i suppose that if someone ask her for that she would accept, but i’m not pushing her, she’s greek, she is red blooded like me, if she frustrate on something, she will explode.. rofl… (like Mary did each time she released something — but i’m not comparing both women, Michelle is way more lovely!)
Sounds like me then. I’ll ask regardless. If you don’t ask, you don’t get. Thanks for the link nexy and if it comes to the worst the team will develop it from scratch. I just prefer bring this to 3.8 standard and possibly building on it with extra features.
Thanks again for the link nexy.
yeah, it can be done with any other external engine.. i’m sure this tool was created with a image generator found somewhere anyway, as the code is not vB pure…
but yes, i prefer taking over the work of someone who have potential… Michelle was magnificient in her developments and ideas…
Wow thats a really smooth addon. Didn´t know there was something like this at all. Funny 😀
Good luck Shelly!