To be politically correct and really english in all ways, please…

I’d like to have the echoes of you, members, when i write something wrong… i’m not english, did you notice?… i talk english like a chinese cow talk spanish.

so if you see some language horrors, or typos, etc, just tell me so i can correct myself… you can report a post, or pm me about the text itself, i’ll fix it when i understand it… rofl


Views: 24

3 thoughts on “To be politically correct and really english in all ways, please…”

  1. Shelley dit :

    Normally, whenever I feel my english isn’t up to scratch, I insert a byline « sorry for the bad english, I’m english ».

    I think if people know basically what you are on about. There’s no need for the grammar, and spelling police to come knocking at your door.

  2. Taragon dit :

    English isn’t my native language, therefore I can’t give you many pointers I’m sure 🙂
    It is however without a doubt you choose your words with care.

    Further, there’s only one thing I can think of… You never capitalize the letter ‘I’ (I am, he is, etc.)

  3. nexia dit :

    @Shelley 21772 wrote:

    I insert a byline « sorry for the bad english, I’m english ».

    i may have to put something like this in the tagline of the logo then… « sorry for my bad language, i’m neither french or english, i’m dyslexic »… rofl

    @Taragon 21773 wrote:

    Further, there’s only one thing I can think of… You never capitalize the letter ‘I’ (I am, he is, etc.)

    yeah, i know, it’s something related to the french language… i take note about that!

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