New Subscription, New Forum Structure, New Community

In the last days, this site was kinda cloaked because no download was permitted during our restructuration… now is the end of it.

The forum was redesigned to host a better place for the « community » side of things. At first, as this site was more a repository of my work, there was just support and releases… But as the times changes, people requested more attention from myself and the new members are more interested to chat and talk publically about their needs… so i comply to this.

I’ve made some major changes in how the forum is built, and i will add more or modify the existing stuff even more if people want new things. This is an internal policy here: listening to the community.

Also, something different for a change, a place where coders can meet, where admins can share, and where people can advertise their services and products. Each sections of this forum are now directed to a single usage; discussions, releases, support… and fun!

Some specific areas of the forum requires a paid subscription to have access to them. The Enhancements forum is completely paid access. Everybody is free to visit for a view/reading but to have access to the downloads, you need to pay the minimal subscription called « Basic Enhancements Access« . This basic access gives you access to the freebies download and to all the support discussions.

To have access to the more specific products released here, you have to purchase the subscription related to each of these products. These subscriptions are used to give access to the files, and to basic support for each of them. If you need customization and more, you will need to contact the author.

All our products have a basic « lifetime » subscription, you never have to renew a subscription to buy a product, and you do not have to purchase a second « branding free option », as all these costs are included in the first purchase.

So these are the changes. Some additional informations are to be posted in the specific forums you visit.

Views: 30

6 thoughts on “New Subscription, New Forum Structure, New Community”

  1. kevinl dit :

    I like this!

    I look forward to everything that is to come here 🙂

  2. nexia dit :

    As a special byte regarding iTrader… it is still available as a Freebie, with the Basic Enhancements Access.

    It was released for free, it will be for free for that actual version, the 2.5 generation. For the 3.0 version, due for end of june, the Core will still be free, and the addons to it will be paid, like indicated in the roadmap for development.

  3. bigcurt dit :

    Looking good bud, I will get signed up ASAP.

  4. kevinl dit :

    um…Nex. You gave me back a partial refund because of changes in the subscriptions and said that one I bought was no longer available. Now I am only able to post for $10? I can’t download anything or have pm’s or a siggy? If that was the case you should have just refunded less I guess 🙁


  5. nexia dit :

    oups… lol

    change on permissions was a mess yesterday, John made problems and i was unsure.. lol

    edit: subscriptions checked, it was simply because the subscription was deleted after your usergroup changes, and the engine simply deleted everything… vB is a miracle of logic!

  6. kevinl dit :

    No worries!! I thought it seemed a little strange to be honest haha


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