While rebuilding the site, i decided to add a little spicey mood in the place…
So here is the first pack of smilies that is added today:
Grin Collection
made by Jason Rayner (J a s o n R a y n e r . c o m) and released here: Adium – Xtras – View Xtra: Grin
:grin_Angry: :grin_Money: :grin_Kiss: :grin_Grin: :grin_Halo: :grin_Heart: :grin_Wink: :grin_Gasp: :grin_Turtle: :grin_Crying: :grin_Tongue: :grin_Frown: :grin_Smile: :grin_Cool: :grin_Sick: :grin_Confused: :grin_Sealed:
you are welcome to make fun with any of them, and if you want to use that pack on your site, please give credits for Jason’s work!
Views: 53
Thank you! :grin_Tongue:
These are awesome! haha
(on an off note-why is everyone a different color but me? 🙁 )
rofl… not everybody is in different color, you just need to be part of a specific group…
i’ll add some colors/icons to the missing groups, i just need to eat!
Ok, i added one smiley pack to work the regular icons, as the default one is horrible…
Source: Simple Smileys
they all are registered to replace their real symbols, like 8) 🙂
while importing these, i decided that one of the new task i’ll have in my spare times will be a smileys/avatars/posticons import/export engine… so you will be able to share your icons instead of frustrating against them.
i’d be very happy to have multiple equivalents in smilies, so we can get » ; ) » and » 😉 » working with the same image… which is not possible right now!