7 thoughts on “Small pics in front of usernames*”

  1. cloni dit :

    Thank you very much! Since I can not see the images you inserted to compare, I did not knew what to change in usergroups pofile edit.
    I insert

    … that « half-worked » but fuc*ed up my style. lol
    I gotta learn this css stuff, but im a lazy twat. ;p

  2. Taragon dit :

    Nexia’s given example works pretty much out of the box, assuming you have the image in the correct folder.
    Are you sure you’ve edited your Username HTML Markup.

    Also I would use instead as

    is only used when providing content. (a post, a blog, etc.)

  3. nexia dit :

    i’m always out of the box btw, if people need more, they ask.. 🙂

    and yes,

    is the html tag for « paragraph »… so yes it fuck up all styles with it… lol

  4. cloni dit :

    Argh… sure it is span class. damn it. Thanks Taragon ^^
    Works perfect!

  5. Spikeman dit :

    What size are the images you use?

  6. nexia dit :

    these: pinvoke – Icons and pixel fonts are the icons i use…

    your best shot is to search for « pixel icons » on google…

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