will it be possible to import everything in your MTF Releases engine once available, Drew?
because i absolutely need a real engine for the releases… people have to subscribe for a license, and then they can purchase something…
what i need for this site:
1- guests/registered have no access to downloads
2- to have access to downloads, everybody have to pay the 10$ activation fee, which give a license id
3- free stuff is not tracked, « who downloaded » hack is handling it right now.
4- people pay the price of a release to have access to it.
5- people pay the price to have access to support.
5B- this can be done via a monthly fee OR credits per post in the support thread.
… i suppose i will have things to fix before making it solid-gold, so if you have ideas … it’s time!
Views: 65
Ok.. well before we disscuss about vBMA/my engine lets talk about to defaults..
to 1) Can’t this be done with standard permissions?
to 2) the $10 fee are using vb subscriptions or a custom engine?
to 4) already built in my engine and will work with vBCredits
to 5) So pay to post? wouldn’t that be part of the Credits engine? or do want a ticket system if so that could be possible
ok, what i’ve been able to redesign is :
0- free access to basic discussions on the site, no download, nothing permitted
1- 10$ subscription to have Subscriber level
2- 50$ to have contributor level (with access to a signature/banner)
having these fixed subscriptions is outside the support and outside the payment for paid products… this is seperate so we do not mix features.
then i need to have a solution that let me apply a charge for each paid product, with the minimal navigation needed because for now, having to buy something in the commerce or the vBMA is lame, as the members also have to visit the forum for a followup, or open a ticket for support… i’d really like something simplier, like:
1- on thread creation, add a field for « product cost »
2- activate a button like the « have to thanks post to reply »… as the thanks-you engine can be linked to vbCredits and that for process is a plugin, i suppose it could be easy to hack it completely and make it so… that activate button would do the following:
a: purchase the product at the cost indicated in #1 — redirect the member to the purchase points process if not enough points
b: activate the download to let member download any file of that thread
c: some stats related to downloaded version etc… « who downloaded » can do it as i tweaked it to execute that.
… for the « paid for support » thing, i don’t know yet. what i focus on right now is the first step, paying the product and have the followup.
what do you think?
Ok currently my releases engine has the building blocks of what you just said you set a price a use can then purchase and it and get access to all the files when the purchase it and the credits get taken away from there account and then are given to users based on « Payouts »* and then the data is entered into a license into a table.
* =payouts are my idea that allows you to say where the credits go based on percents.
ok, so you’ve done what i thought you’d be doing… how much time would it need to release and install this engine ?
i can simply make the process simple until it is ready… 🙂
and $$$ ???
Ok well right now id say i have 75% of what i want done done and i could finish it probably soon (no specific dates)
The thing about it is more of a release engine then the vb.org system (ie no motm, no coder levels, etc.)
For price not sure yet i will finish it then tell a price..
i don’t want a system like vb.org or vBMA, i want an efficient commercial-level system… if it takes 6 months, it will take 6 months… do not rush it.
for now, we will base the process with subscriptions, and we will see later!
okay yeah i went for the commercial although i do have a tag modification system (which actually could be extremely useful for people)
if you have ANYTHING that worth installing here, let’s do it…
not only for the MTF, you know i want everything you got in the past that can be released… 😉
all my mods that i had make were for 3.5 and either became obsolete or vb built them in later
ideas are more important than actual code, like you know by checking in my Homeworks forum… 🙂
ok, i get frustrated again with vbCommerce… i tried to install it, and the install is locked because it conflict with a product installed on my site, but is not telling me which one… so it’s useless… i kill the first guy who release an encrypted script on this site.
i drop that idea, and wait for your Release engine… could we count on a points engine too?
OH, a great addon for points: sharing/gifting someone on another site. ok, this sounds stupid, but this would bring on a different way to share between communities. what i thought is a bridge, not a central point, but simply a bridge between sites… if site 1 wants to share points with site 2, they just have to add a little plugin to their install, which will have to be configured to access the other’s dB for points… you see how it goes ?!.. 🙂
hmm… well right now with the releases engine i just made a field called points then theres a vb option that allows you to say which points engine you have so it can always be connected, but i am going to scrap this idea all together and make my one-class points engine work directly with it.
Right now with my engine i am working on the payout feature on the admin side and other then that only small adjustments need to be made to the front end, so today i will probably make the points engine give it to you as a first step of giving you my engine and then when it is ready give the whole thing
thanks! 🙂