A News Caster which grab the latest threads in forum X, listing them on Forumhome page, just below the navbar.
This was very popular for InvisionBoard since the begining, and as there is none on vB, as i needed one, i coded one… 🙂
Here are the settings, in: AdminCP >> vBulletin Options >> Nexia’s Forumhome Newscast Settings
This engine will list all the latests threads, based on which forumid you put in the list. It generate only a single additional query on forumhome to grab the news, it have a simple display you can modify at will from the templates.
Here is the result:
the engine is without template or file or database edits, just import this product file.
note: on june 30th 2009, i added a missing setting to enable the display of the thread status icon… it was configured in the engine but not active… sorry! version 1.0.1
note: on december 30th 2009, version 1.5.0, added BBCode Parsing in the settings so you can show images/links or not.
Views: 155
looks pretty nice, but we´re still not able to download your stuff dude. (or is this just me? :p) ^^
I cannot download either, although there is not a link for this hack.
you can not, because the file is not there, and the new subscriptions are not set yet.
will put it in the releases… i thought it was already so i forgot about it… lol…
thanks Spikeman to remember me!
File uploaded, Spikeman, you can download it now.. lol
All good things come to those that wait :grin_Grin: thanks nexy
thanks this is neat.It’ll be nice if the thread can be highlighted in the background (css Definition) like the notices..
thanks :grin_Grin:
you can easily modify the template and its css to make it so, as the template « nex_news_forumhome_bit » is the one to deal with, it can have a different css if you want.
@nexia 21569 wrote:
cool..thanks.. i think i have an idea…not much of a coder but i can manage…lol
@nexia 21569 wrote:
here is an example it needs to be adjusted but just an idea
that’s what i said, you have everything in hands to make it yourself.. 😉
on june 30th 2009, i added a missing setting to enable the display of the thread status icon… it was configured in the engine but not active… sorry! version 1.0.1
first post edited, screeny too…
@nexia 21932 wrote:
thanks for the update
Hi nexia, how do I make the newscast appear at a different location on forumhome? Say, below what’s going on?
in the product file, search for [html] $vbulletin->templatecache = str_replace(‘$navbar’, ‘$navbar $newsblock’, $vbulletin->templatecache);
change to [html] $vbulletin->templatecache = str_replace(‘$footer’, ‘$newsblock$footer ‘, $vbulletin->templatecache);
You wouldn’t happen to have a version that works for 3.7.3? Unfortunate for me that my license became inactive before 3.8 came out.
Thanks, Nexia! Sorry, I should have searched first; I actually thought of removing the dependency, but thought that epic cataclysm would certainly occur. :grin_Gasp:
oh sure, a lot of products on vb.org can be downgraded just like that… they just do not want to support them , same reason as mine.. 🙂
Is it an easy enough task to change « Newscast » to, say, « Select Topics »?
sure, you can search in the phrases manager… or edit the product file and upload it again.
Ah, thanks for the « search in the phrases manager » suggestion. That was much quicker. Thank you, again.
This was a mis-fire 🙁
some great hacks, but they dont go in my forum 🙁
Nice addon. Would be interesting if there is an option to show news cast for certain usergroups (or an option to hide to guests).
yah, good idea… easy to add the usergroup multi-choice, will do it …
btw, if they do not have read access to the forum, they see no news. already.
on december 30th 2009, version 1.5.0, added BBCode Parsing in the settings so you can show images/links or not.
@nexia 26103 wrote:
Thanks for that, Nexia.