New subscriptions on

############################### Members Levels

all these levels are one time fee, no need to renew. they also are privileges, not rights; if you do not follow the site rules, your account can be deactivated.

– Registered *(free)

post in general forums
view screenshots

– Subscriber *(1000 credits) – 10$

download general free products
report bugs, ask for support on downloadable products
— if you purchase a paid product or service on the site, you automatically receive this level if not yet accessed.

– Contributor *(5000 credits) – 50$

can have signature with banner/logo image
can display own products in the directory, linked to their official page

– Author *(25 000 credits) – 250$

have own sub-forum for products and services
can release/distribute own products (have to support them)

############################### Administration Roles

– Support Staff

knows well vBulletin and the released products
is a voice to hear about answers on the site

– Editor (μέσος)

moderator on specific sections of the site
can post articles and tutorials

– Meta Editor (μετά)

super-moderator, control everything on the site


everything will be driven by the vBcredits engine until we have our own official Releases system. all memberships are driven by points. you buy points via the vbCredits engine, and points are not-refundable. You can still use these points on various services on vbE.

You can not gain points by posting, that part of the engine is deactivated.

Views: 24

3 thoughts on “New subscriptions on”

  1. Drew dit :

    ok looks organized (organization never fails) anyway what rank am i? if i still have one?

  2. nexia dit :

    Author ?!… as you distribute your own product ?


    now, i just need to fix the other details, and if someone have ideas, supporting them.. rofl

  3. Drew dit :

    oh yeah lol just checking

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