What a great coders community Announcements have to look like?!

vbE News Robot wrote:
Today in the News, we have nexialys, who released 32 mods on vb.org, for the pleasure of all the members here. nexialys have the reputation to be red blooded and swift, but he also have the sense of sharing, and he make us the great privilege of releasing for us a good list of useful addons for vBulletin 3.8.

At the same time, we have to announce that vb.com have a change of rules and changes of forum structure that you may be interested to read here… >> link to the official announcement < < For MOTM, we wish all the luck to the nominations, which are

  • Hambil’s Weighted Polls
  • Web Crawlers Bundle
  • RSS Feed Rethink
  • Forum Channels, a different way to see your forums
  • Private Messaging Shelled

We welcome you to post your suggestions to the New Site Administration, managed brightly by Mister X and Miss Y…

even there, i see on a lot of coders community that the life is well announced and shared… on vb.org?… it’s just bullshited

Views: 7

One thought on “What a great coders community Announcements have to look like?!”

  1. nexia dit :

    on vb.org, they don’t know what is a community. look at their closest competitors, phpBB.com, IPB… look at their forum announcements… besides the versions releases, they talk about the life on the site… there is no way on vb.org we could learn about what’s going on at vb.org if it’s not about a change in the line of command, the admins… which is WAAAAAAY more important for them than the releases or the fabulous events related to the members.

    on the start, on vbhackers, there was some fun announcements, some hilarious posts on april fools, some greetings on christmas day etc… that stopped on vb.org when some guys took control of it. that’s something bad, isn’t it?

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