Oh My, Oh My…

Did you see that page: vBulletin.org Forum – View Profile: nexialys … looks like i was occupied on monday the 11th…

I released all that was possibly releasable from the Freebies, and it’s not finished. but i also found that i « forgot » a lot of very useful hacks in the Workshop… forgot to release them here too… so i’ll be updating these products in the next days, and i’ll post them on both sites.

Also, i want to thanks everybody who played and tested my releases in the past, i plan on creating new engines soon, and as the MTF is mostly ready, we will have that great product to promote soon too!

Views: 72

33 thoughts on “Oh My, Oh My…”

  1. Spikeman dit :

    Oh yes, I saw that, a page of fine releases, outstanding, look forward to seeing what else you have, keep up the great work.

  2. nexia dit :

    ok, some more fun on this… Paul M banned me from vb.org for a week because i said him to stop harrassing me on the forum. he first infracted me for 30 because of flaming and trolling, then he threatened me to ban me for a long time if i continue… i replied to stop threatening me and ban me for real reason or just shut it off…

    he banned me… this is for personal reason for sure, as you can see here:


    .. there will be a suite to that, i asked Ray Morgan to retreive my entire account and all the possible content of my releases from vB.org or they would have problems… you’ll be informed of the suite.

  3. Lionel dit :

    Hang in there nexia

  4. nexia dit :

    like this ??


  5. Lionel dit :

    more like this …

    I hope you won’t stay out too long this time.

    BTW, why not use the modifications hack to distribute your hacks?

    I must tell you … I came here the first time yesterday and was impressed by the simplicity and the clean look of your site

  6. nexia dit :

    thanks Lionel,

    i thought of using the modifications hack in the past, but Drew is coding a complete Releases/Distribution/Licensing engine for vb 4.0, so we’ll have something solid in the next months.

    and actually the infraction Paul gave me is ’til may 20th… but i suppose he will give me a new one on may 21th as he is unable to have any solid administration power but banning people.

  7. Lionel dit :

    Don’t let that affect you. You do nice and useful work.

  8. nexia dit :

    it’s not affecting me, at all… vb.org was not my interest, as everybody know it… and i released my stuff there 2 days ago just to please Shelley who was whinning about my non-participation on the site… and same for Paul. looks like he really is disgusted by people with wills… lol

    i have enough of that moronish administration, that’s all… they are supposed to represent the coders who modify vBulletin, but they represent themselves only, refusing to hear the voice of the real coders… 99% of the coders who left the site in the past was due to lack of respect… that’s another proof.

  9. Lionel dit :

    I once got a warning for no reasons after 9 years. Took it all the way to the top. Just excuses but no actions were taken. That’s why I never bothered releasing anything.

    But they do provide great help in the coders forums

  10. Lionel dit :

    but you need to stick to your own rules and avoid vB discussions here 🙂

  11. nexia dit :

    nah, most of the help given there is basic understanding of the codes.. i mostly never reply to your requests, even if i know exactly what you want, because i know that the others would receive more credits in answering you with flawed answers — Princeton like to correct everyone with his knowledge… 🙂

    anyway, stop answering this thread, your reputation will drown…

  12. nexia dit :

    oh, and btw, Hello Lynne… 😉

  13. Lionel dit :

    Lynne??? She is a nice person. At least to what I see.
    Hey we are in a free country. I post what I want, where I want as long as I remain respectful

  14. nexia dit :

    yeah, i was not saying Hi for the bad reason, i like Lynne… one of the few that deserve to be staff on vb.org… 🙂 (paid for her work would be great!)

  15. Lionel dit :

    Marco is also great. He gave me a crash course many years ago via PM and MSN and those essentials helped me turning into a coder. So I can say I owe it all to him and deeply respect him.

  16. Lionel dit :

    But in my opinion, the best coders are by vbgermany.org. Too bad I don’t read German. Andreas does extremely useful work

  17. Lionel dit :

    Hummm, why can’t I post in Your Questions … our answers forum? I wanted to ask you about that mod in forum display displaying the small icons (rss etc …)

  18. nexia dit :

    hum, i think some guys have wrong permissions… the import did a lot of errors… i’ll check that

    i suppose the error is now fixed, i dropped all the permissions from all the forums.. lol… everybody is the same now… 😉

  19. nexia dit :

    hum, like i care what Paul has to say about the reason why he banned me…

    that’s my answer to Ray when he answered my waaayyyy tooo looooong PM i sent him about the situation on vb.org… (like the usual, i report that the community is breaking apart because of the admins who are not working for the group but for their own butts, etc)

    he sais he would report to Paul and see what he have to say…

    FUCK OFF i say, we all know Paul will simply say i’m trolling the forum, it’s his best quote besides the « you are not a moderator nexia, shut up »…

    so i told Ray to relay to Paul and require that my account is completely deleted and not only deactivated, and that ALL my threads and released be deleted from the forum.

    don’t know what he will do, but anyway, it’s not the first time i ask this, remember 3 years ago when 3.5 was out and i found out that 3500 lines of new code were from some of my releases… leeching my stuff and some other coders was not a good idea… we were 7 to leave the community at that moment, we’re some to have re-joined, but i’m the last leaving again for good.

  20. nexia dit :

    rofl… yeah, but as i always say, i’m the Master of my Domain, i can post whatever i want… rofl… do what i write, not what i do… lol

    anyway, my next thread will surely break some moods.

  21. Lionel dit :

    You are too much! Like I say, never look for troubles with a Frenchman (or French Canadian) or Haitian too

  22. goxy63 dit :

    Will your hacks be supported there, if not than how about here at your website !?

    I luv your hacks, they mean a lot to my baby forums


    just do your thing with hacks, forget arguments with ‘big’ guys overthere
    my small opinion (I dont know much about dispute…)

  23. nexia dit :

    you have put yourself into trouble Goxy when you have posted a link to this thread on vb.org… that’s not good, and that’s not something you had to do…

  24. unenergizer dit :

    I support you 100% on this. VB.org is 100% BS now. Developers are not appreciated on that website for anything, people rip, sell your work, and then have the nerve to act like they own you. I’ve seen you help a lot of folks on that website and you don’t get much in return. None of us do. You’ve even helped me when I needed. Not getting tired of the VB.org scene are you? Sigh..

    Nexi and Loco.M are the only ones I have respect for anymore. Everyone else, the whiners, the hypocrites, and the staff can shove it. VB.com is okay in my book for now, but that is only because I NEVER post their and I don’t know them.

    Hit them where it hurts Nexi.

    And Dean C is still gay. Period.

    @nexia 21061 wrote:

    ok, some more fun on this… Paul M banned me from vb.org for a week because i said him to stop harrassing me on the forum. he first infracted me for 30 because of flaming and trolling, then he threatened me to ban me for a long time if i continue… i replied to stop threatening me and ban me for real reason or just shut it off…

    he banned me… this is for personal reason for sure, as you can see here:


    .. there will be a suite to that, i asked Ray Morgan to retreive my entire account and all the possible content of my releases from vB.org or they would have problems… you’ll be informed of the suite.

  25. AtoZ dit :

    This really sucks. I’m sorry you’ve been treated so badly. It’s hard to look past that and see the much larger group of people who really do appreciate you and the great work that you’ve done. You’re not coding for Paul M or vb.org… you’re coding for the larger community of vb users like me and so many others. I wish more coders would start offering paid mods because I would rather pay coders for their work – other than that I can only post a « THANK YOU » on a thread which I feel is not enough. Hundreds of sites use iTrader and would be willing to pay for it to be maintained. I upgraded my site this week and was planning to finally add it, and then came here to find this mess. Now I have nothing… never downloaded the old or new version. 🙁 Please reconsider sticking around for the larger community of users and try to ignore the « politics » part.

  26. AtoZ dit :

    Of course vb.org is the ‘go-to’ place for vb mods, but perhaps you can use other forums such as theadminzone.com to further your work here at vbenhancer.com?

    Let us know what we can do to help you stick around. We need great coders like you! 😀

  27. nexia dit :

    You are right, great coders need to regroup and construct a good project based on coders needs and clients attention…

    as i say, the only problem is the power to make it happen. in the last 3 or 4 years, a lot of coders were interested to start something more serious, but none was able to compete vb.org, because the company is not supporting any project… which is pathetic when you see all their compatitors having all these great assortment of fan sites.

    i know i coded some fun stuff, i was actually upgrading most of the interesting stuff from vb.org because i was offered by the authors that great gift to overtake these tools, like iTrader… and i know, like you said, that people would be interested to have paid support to have these engines updated etc,… the bug is that i can upgrade scripts, but i’m alone, i can not support all these persons… and no coder is interested to work with me without being paid upfront — which is pathetic anyway…

    so that’s why there is nothing to do right now…

  28. goxy63 dit :

    @nexia 21092 wrote:

    you have put yourself into trouble Goxy when you have posted a link to this thread on vb.org… that’s not good, and that’s not something you had to do…

    Didnt brake any of their rulez, maybe I will post some porn links these days overthere 😀
    As that is what some of guys need there 😉

    Oh my OOO my 😀


  29. nexia dit :

    actually, do not post Gay Porn, Dean C would be so crazy about it…

  30. mikey1991 dit :

    Sorry to see you’ve been deleted over at the ‘org, Nexia, I love all your mods, what will become of those threads?

  31. nexia dit :

    these threads at vb.org… graveyard, will help me get more pingback to this site.. 😉

  32. mikey1991 dit :

    Awesome, More pagerak and all that 🙂

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