Threadless Forums have to vanish

Ever got tired of all these threadlists without any thread in a closed forum?


See, no possibility to post, and still, the empty list of threads… all this because if you are in a sub-forum that you do not want to transform into a category, you have to set the Open state to off… and it leave the space for threads,… in case!

this little product file is a simple if/then statement in the end of forumdisplay that will simply make that block deactivated when in that specific situation.

no template edit, just a product import…

Views: 29

3 thoughts on “Threadless Forums have to vanish”

  1. kevinl dit :

    This is great. Very useful 🙂

  2. Slugger00001 dit :

    Thanks just what I needed

  3. choccyclaire dit :

    Wow, where has this been all my life? 😆

    I will be linking someone at with this thread. 😀

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