Attached Images in Full Size inside Thread

This is a Tutorial more than a product, because the only thing involved is a file edit.

You can see it on this site, all the attached images that we tag in our threads are shown in Full Size, not as Thumbnails like in the default vBulletin.

See how it goes in the default vBulletin:


And here we see it with the change made, like on


The only way we can do that is by editing a file that have no hook attached where it is needed.

Views: 30

3 thoughts on “Attached Images in Full Size inside Thread”

  1. nexia dit :

    Here is the Tutorial: (the file attached contain the exact same How To.txt)

    ################################# WE HAVE A FILE EDIT TO DO!

    # in /includes/class_bbcode.php

    # FIND: (line 1848 in non-edited file)

    function handle_bbcode_img($bbcode, $do_imgcode, $has_img_code = false)
    global $vbphrase;

    # BELOW, ADD:

    $oldregistry = $this->registry->options;
    $this->registry->options = FALSE;

    # FIND: (line 1964 in non-edited file)

    if ($has_img_code & BBCODE_HAS_SIGPIC)
    $bbcode = preg_replace(‘#[sigpic](.*)[/sigpic]#siUe’, « $this->handle_bbcode_sigpic(‘1’) », $bbcode);

    # BELOW, ADD:

    $this->registry->options = $oldregistry;

    ################################# THAT’S ALL FOR THE FILE EDIT!

    # You now have to setup your Usergroups for « Can See Thumbnails » to YES!

  2. xOBKx dit :

    Does this only take effect if the [noparse][attach][/noparse] bbcode is used, nexia?

  3. nexia dit :

    yeah, this is the goal of this thingy…

    but it is working partially, and is crap… I now suggest everybody to simply ftp their images on their server and link to them directly with [img] .. 😉

    anyway, even on they have problems with thumbnails and images attached… there was only one guy dealing with this whole system, and they never tried to modify it until IB decided to trash everything for 4.0 …

    they have good moves you know… lol

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